• Resolved art013


    Hi –
    Background: Linux, no recent changes other than a possible WF auto update.

    I received an error message from my backup program (backupbuddy) saying it was “Unable to get table creation SQL for table wfNet404s

    (Note: I’ve removed the table prefix in this request)

    When I look in the database for wfNet404s, there is a table entry but when trying to expand the table in PhpMyAdmin I get error #1146 – Table does not exist.

    I disabled and deleted WF, manually removed all wf tables from the database, and reinstalled WF. Ran a clean scan, and have the same table error.

    Any suggestions on how to correct this issue?



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  • Plugin Author WFMattR


    Are you able to “repair” the wfNet404s table in phpmyadmin? (I believe you can do this directly from the table list by choosing the table’s checkbox and choosing the repair option below, but I haven’t used phpmyadmin for a while.)

    I found a previous post from a couple months ago, where your wfNet404s table was missing completely:

    Wordfence does “truncate” this table periodically to clear temporary data (along with a few other tables), which in mysql is almost the same as deleting and re-creating the table. Normally this doesn’t cause any issues though — you might want to ask your host if mysql is out of date on your server, as this may be a database server bug.

    -Matt R


    I’m also getting the same type of error when the mysqldump are occurring. So far I have experienced it on several websites and servers on cloudways, all involving wordfence tables. It’s looks like this issue has been around for a while but was never really solved.

    The only solution so far was to reinstall wordfence from scratch after making sure to drop the data on the uninstall.

    Of course I’m not running an outdated version of mysql…

    Any idea how to prevent it?



    Ohh gosh, you guys are here. I also had the same problem today. It was like a disaster to figure out what could cause this issue.

    Dear author, please suggest us how to completely clean wordfence tables. I actually do not use it for a long time. But even though i delete the plugin that table still there.

    Thanks in advance.

    i forgot to click this “notify me …” text below. That is why i am sending this message.


    let me write here what I figured out.

    wordfence > option > Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation?

    click it then disable the plugin. This removes all the tables and backup buddy works fine.

    I will sleep now, aww my back, aww my eyes. Gosh!

    By the way, wordfence is a pretty amazing plugin. I do not have any bad review with it. I just do not use it currently.

    Regards to all

    Disabling the plugin the way sudeys mentionned it works. However, it’s a bit of pain when you need to do it on multiple websites…

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    @michael: Thanks for the report — this shouldn’t happen on a MySQL server that is running well. If the server software is already up to date, the host may need to adjust settings for better stability. Wordfence uses its database tables on every pageload (to keep track of which IPs need to be blocked or locked out), so it is more likely to run into a database server issue, just because it uses the database more than many other plugins. If you have access to the site’s mysql logs and/or syslog, you will most likely see errors related to server load or memory usage, or services restarting, at the same time that the tables stop working correctly.

    If you still have trouble and need more details, please make a new post using the form at the bottom of the Wordfence forum here. (The www.remarpro.com forum rules ask us to keep each person’s issues separate, and it also helps us keep track of open issues, so no one gets skipped in long or old resolved posts.) Thanks!

    -Matt R



    I’m a server administrator at a fairly large hosting company in The Netherlands. We see this exact issue regularly on our servers. Only (and i repeat: only!) tables from ‘wf’ seem to go missing from time to time. Today alone I have dropped ‘wf’ related tables from more than a dozen databases.

    Just to be clear:
    – We do not have corrupted MySQL instances
    – MySQL servers have not crashed, restarted or anything else.
    – We do not always see this issue, but when we do we see it on multiple servers on the same day.
    – It _only_ occures with WordPress sites and ‘wf’ tableprefixes, especially ‘wfNet404s’ and ‘wfVulnScanners’.
    – Repairs are impossible, because they all fail with the same error:
    – We are not the only one seeing this, as this thread (and others!) proof

    Repair attempt:

    MariaDB [X]> repair table wp_wfVulnScanners;
    | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
    | X.wp_wfVulnScanners | repair | Warning | Tablespace is missing for table ‘X/wp_wfVulnScanners’ |
    | X.wp_wfVulnScanners | repair | Error | Table ‘X.wp_wfVulnScanners’ doesn’t exist in engine |
    | X.wp_wfVulnScanners | repair | status | Operation failed |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    As of this moment I see this issue on 8 databases (only tables wfNet404s and wfvulncsanners) on just 1 server. We have quite a few servers, so this is currently an issue on dozens of accounts.

    I cannot emphasize enough: This is not an issue due to a crashed or corrupted MySQL instances. Something in the plugin causes this. Maybe a bug in MariaDB (or MySQL), I dont know. But I find it very strange that it only happens with tables from this plugin (or plugins).

    PS: Our solution is to drop the tables, so that the backup no longer fails (and because repair doesn’t work, we don’t have any other option either). We have never received any complaint about us dropping these tables.



    Dropping the tables or reinstalling after enabling the reset of data option was the only way.
    I had to do once on every website where wordfence was installed for more than 1y.
    Once it was done it never happened again on the same site.
    It looks pretty much like a backward compatibility issue to some extend.

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