• techretaries


    Is there any way to decrease Wordfence’s impact on my pages load time?

    According to P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler), Wordfence impacts my page load time by .8 seconds.

    I turned off “Live Traffic.” Is there anything else I can do?

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  • mountainguy2


    It’s definitely a tradeoff. What your plugin performance profiler doesn’t tell you is how much the bot swarm is slowing down your server — if those bots are blocked early by the Wordfence WAF then you get a boost that’s hard to quantify. Firstly, be sure you do not have any Wordfence scanning happening and yes do not use “Live Traffic.” Next, just go through the settings on the Options page and uncheck anything you really don’t need. I’m not sure which of those involve ongoing processes but it can’t hurt to lean it out.

    “Amount of Live Traffic data to store (number of rows)” set to a few hundred unless you need a huge list. This is confusing, as even if “Live Traffic” is turned off, the traffic still gets stored!

    Another thing to watch for is how much redundant security stuff you have, such as other plugins, or big .htaccess files. Software on your server all takes resources, the question is, what are the priorities?

    (I’m just another forum participant here, no association with Wordfence other than extensive use.)


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