WF breaking WP All Import importing
thanks for this great plugin
any ideas on what settings can be changed to keep Wordfence from interfering with the WP All Import import updating the DB?
it allows WP All Import to import the file to be uploaded and read (nodes visible to be mapped), but the next to the last step before posting is blocked
there is no WF error message, but the admin page is stripped to almost blank but has links to WP All Import documentation. since admin is wiped out I can’t see anything wrong in Query Monitor.
I contacted my Host and asked them to look at server logs but they are not seeing anything.
I tried setting Web Application Firewall Status to learning mode, and disabled but still blocked
Disable Code Execution for Uploads directory – disabled; still blocked
deleted and reinstalled Wordfence with delete tables
it is for sure caused by conflict with WP All Import and Wordfence. this is a WP multisite with WF network activated
any help appreciated
the actual error is from using too much memory
not sure how/why Wordfence is making WP All Import take up a lot of memory, but it is
(everything works fine with Wordfence disabled)
Hi @wasanajones,
Can you provide me with your host’s maximum memory quota?
Can you take a screenshot of what you see at the last step (where it’s blocked/stripped of all content)?
Before reaching that step, can you open the developer console (F12) and then going to the last step? Look at the console and network tab to see if anything is there. (Such as 404 errors in the network tab, or JavaScript errors in the console)
Hi – thanks for the response
PHP and WP Memory allocation is 256M, the server has 4GB RAM
good tip about using F12 dev console — but right now I am no longer testing and have disabled Wordfence — I invested about 8 hours in the whole process and while I am a firm supporter and advocate of Wordfence — I’ve had to move on to another solution until I can revisit and see what happens
I’ll be creating a new website to test on
this is a WP Multisite Network, Wordfence network activated
Hi –
can’t live without either plugin !
produces unformatted page containing just a couple of links
using F12 browser console see error
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
>wordpress multisite network, wordfence network activated, wp all import activated per site. WP All Import works fine right up to the step just before the import
no idea if this is happening on other installs or just my particular setup
Exact same issue here.
Would love to know the resolution.Did anyone find a solution to this problem yet? We are having the same issues!
After working with the support people on All Imports, I tried at beta version which worked on our staging site, but the problem remained in the live site.
Puzzling because they are an exact clone of each other.
For now I disable Wordfence when I need to run the import.
The error produced is just a generic 500 error. Not very helpful.-
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
I thought the error was coming from a php/wordpress/server memory misconfiguration – however I’ve got my memory issues aligned properly – and still seeing this problem
I tried increasing max_execution_time – by a lot – and that’s not it either.
I am purely guessing but I think it is due to a PATH issue of using on Multisite subsite (I think it breaks on the main site too, but I’m sticking to the path theory)
if you submit the import with F12 Developer Network open it appears the
admin.php?page=pmxi-admin-import&action=confirmhave different initiator paths
pure guesswork from an amateur
this is a painful problem
I can say @wasanajones that irt is not limited to multisite. Ours is a regular, standalone WP installation with the exact same symptoms.
thanks for letting me know. guessing is the fruit of desperation
you’d think it must have something to do with the WAF firewall, but even disabled it still breaks WPAllimport
query monitor does show failure to GET wp all import pro scheduler connection – no idea if that is part of this issue or not
I’m encountering same issue on one of websites, installed latest version of plugin (WP all import PRO), and admin page is not rendering, issue displayed in console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
There is no WF plugin on website, nor had any issues before this latest update, page stops rendering on line 312, after this piece of code:
<!-- Preload Images --><script type="text/javascript">
var plugin_url = '';
</script><table class="wpallimport-layout wpallimport-step-1">
<td class="left">
<div class="wpallimport-wrapper">
<h2 class="wpallimport-wp-notices"></h2>
<div class="wpallimport-header">
<div class="wpallimport-logo"></div>
<div class="wpallimport-title">
<p>WP All Import</p>
<h2>Import XML / CSV</h2>
<div class="wpallimport-links">
Support | Documentation
</div><div class="clear"></div>
<form method="post" class="wpallimport-choose-file" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off">
<div class="wpallimport-upload-resource-step-one">
<input type="hidden" name="is_submitted" value="1" />
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="wpallimport-import-types">
<h2>First, specify how you want to import your data</h2>
<span class="wpallimport-icon"></span>
<span class="wpallimport-icon-label">Upload a file</span>
<span class="wpallimport-icon"></span>
<span class="wpallimport-icon-label">Download from URL</span>
<span class="wpallimport-icon"></span>
<span class="wpallimport-icon-label">Use existing file</span>
</div><input type="hidden" value="" name="type"/>
<div class="wpallimport-upload-type-container" rel="upload_type">
<div id="plupload-ui" class="wpallimport-file-type-options">
<input type="hidden" name="filepath" value="" id="filepath"/>
Click here to select file from your computer...
<div id="progressbar" class="wpallimport-progressbar">
<div id="progress" class="wpallimport-progress" >
<div id="upload_process" class="wpallimport-upload-process"></div>
<div class="wpallimport-note" style="margin: 0 auto; font-size: 13px;"><span></span></div>
<div class="wpallimport-upload-type-container" rel="url_type">
<div class="wpallimport-file-type-options">
<span class="wpallimport-url-icon"></span>
<input type="text" class="regular-text" name="url" value="" placeholder="Enter a web address to download the file from..."/>
<span class="img_preloader" style="top:0; left: 5px; visibility: hidden; display: inline;"></span>
<div class="wpallimport-note" style="margin: 20px auto 0; font-size: 13px;">
Hint: After you create this import, you can schedule it to run automatically, on a pre-defined schedule, with cron jobs. <span></span>
<input type="hidden" name="downloaded" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="template" value=""/>
<div class="wpallimport-upload-type-container" rel="file_type"><div class="wpallimport-file-type-options">
<script type="text/javascript">
var existing_file_sizes = [6284,18666,187165,6218,617780,76675,1164,2385,748614];
</script><select id="file_selector">
<option value="">Select a previously uploaded file</option>
<option value="Certificates_Export_2018_October_29_2339.csv" >Certificates_Export_2018_October_29_2339.csv</option>
<option value="Courses_Export_2018_October_29_2347.csv" >Courses_Export_2018_October_29_2347.csv</option>
<option value="Lessons_Export_2018_October_29_2310.csv" >Lessons_Export_2018_October_29_2310.csv</option>
<option value="Quizzes_Export_2018_October_29_2331.csv" >Quizzes_Export_2018_October_29_2331.csv</option>
<option value="Topics_Export_2018_October_29_2322.csv" >Topics_Export_2018_October_29_2322.csv</option>
<option value="Users_Export_2018_October_02_2155.csv" >Users_Export_2018_October_02_2155.csv</option>
<option value="Users_Export_2019_April_16_1149_test.csv" >Users_Export_2019_April_16_1149_test.csv</option>
<option value="WP_All_Import_Template_Certificates_Export_2018_October_29_2339.txt" >WP_All_Import_Template_Certificates_Export_2018_October_29_2339.txt</option>
<option value="topics.xml" >topics.xml</option>
</select><input type="hidden" name="file" value=""/>
<div class="wpallimport-note" style="margin: 0 auto; font-size: 13px;">
Upload files to /nas/content/live/gpsikbstaging/wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/ and they will appear in this list <span></span>
<div id="wpallimport-url-upload-status"></div><div class="wpallimport-upload-resource-step-two">
<div class="wpallimport-choose-post-type">
<input type="hidden" name="wizard_type" value="new"/>
<h2 style="margin-top:0;">Import data from this file into...</h2>
<div class="wpallimport-choose-data-type">
<span class="wpallimport-import-to-title">New Items</span>
<span class="wpallimport-import-to-arrow"></span>
<span class="wpallimport-import-to-title">Existing Items</span>
<span class="wpallimport-import-to-arrow"></span>
</div><div class="wpallimport-choose-import-direction">
<div class="wpallimport-extra-text-left">
<div class="wpallimport-new-records">Create new</div>
<div class="wpallimport-existing-records">Import to existing</div>
<div class="wpallimport-extra-text-right">
<div class="wpallimport-new-records">for each record in my data file. <br/>If the import is later run again with modified data, WP All Import will only update/remove posts created by this import.">?
<div class="wpallimport-existing-records">and update some or all of their data. <br/> In Step 4, you will map the records in your file to the existing items on your site and specify which data points will be updated and which will be left alone.">?
<select name="custom_type_selector" id="custom_type_selector" class="wpallimport-post-types"><option value="post" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-post" selected="selected">Post(pods)</option>
<option value="page" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-page" >Page(pods)</option>
<option value="taxonomies" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-taxonomies" >Taxonomies</option>
<option value="import_users" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-import_users" >Users</option>
<option value="gpsilife" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >#GPSILife</option>
<option value="accessory" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Accessories</option>
<option value="accessory_type" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Accessory Types(pods)</option>
<option value="sfwd-assignment" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Assignments</option>
<option value="award_team" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Award Teams(pods)</option>
<option value="award" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Awards</option>
<option value="wp_block" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Blocks</option>
<option value="sfwd-certificates" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Certificates</option>
<option value="sfwd-courses" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Courses</option>
<option value="device_acronym" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Device Acronyms(pods)</option>
<option value="device_compatibility" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Device Compatibility(pods)</option>
<option value="device_family" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Device Families(pods)</option>
<option value="device_features" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Device Features(pods)</option>
<option value="devicereference" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Device References</option>
<option value="device_troubleshoot" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Device Troubleshooting</option>
<option value="device" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Devices</option>
<option value="employee" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Employees</option>
<option value="vfb_entry" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Entries</option>
<option value="event_type" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Event Types(pods)</option>
<option value="tribe_events" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Events</option>
<option value="install_config" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Install Configurations</option>
<option value="kudo" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Kudos</option>
<option value="groups" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >LearnDash Groups</option>
<option value="sfwd-lessons" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Lessons</option>
<option value="lunchandlearn" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Lunch and Learns</option>
<option value="massage" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Massages</option>
<option value="office" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Offices</option>
<option value="tribe_organizer" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Organizers</option>
<option value="podcast" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Podcast(pods)</option>
<option value="preferreddevice" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Preferred Devices(pods)</option>
<option value="program-target" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Program Targets(pods)</option>
<option value="sfwd-question" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Questions</option>
<option value="sfwd-quiz" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Quizzes</option>
<option value="sales-program" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Sales Programs</option>
<option value="slideshow" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Slideshows</option>
<option value="social" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Social</option>
<option value="sfwd-essays" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Submitted Essays</option>
<option value="sfwd-topic" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Topics</option>
<option value="tradeshow" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Trade Shows</option>
<option value="trainingtopic" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Training Topics(pods)</option>
<option value="sfwd-transactions" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Transactions</option>
<option value="troubleshooting" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Troubleshooting(pods)</option>
<option value="updatetype" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Update Types(pods)</option>
<option value="update" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Updates</option>
<option value="user_request" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >User Requests</option>
<option value="tribe_venue" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Venues</option>
<option value="webinaraudience" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Webinar Audiences(pods)</option>
<option value="webinar" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Webinars</option>
<option value="amn_exact-metrics" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >exact-metrics Announcements</option>
<option value="tribe-ea-record" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Aggregator Records</option>
<option value="deleted_event" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Posts</option>
<option value="amn_smtp" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >smtp Announcements</option>
<option value="feedback" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Feedback</option>
<option value="_pods_pod" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Pods</option>
<option value="_pods_field" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >Pod Fields</option>
<option value="user" data-imagesrc="dashicon dashicon-cpt" >User(pods)</option>
<div class="taxonomy_to_import_wrapper">
<input type="hidden" name="taxonomy_type" value="">
<h2 style="margin: 30px 0 -10px 0;">Select taxonomy to import into...</h2>
<select id="taxonomy_to_import">
<option value="">Select Taxonomy</option>
<option value="accessory_type" >Accessory Types</option>
<option value="award_team" >Award Teams</option>
<option value="category" >Categories</option>
<option value="ld_course_category" >Course Categories</option>
<option value="ld_course_tag" >Course Tags</option>
<option value="device_acronym" >Device Acronyms</option>
<option value="device_compatibility" >Device Compatibility</option>
<option value="device_family" >Device Families</option>
<option value="device_features" >Device Features</option>
<option value="tribe_events_cat" >Event Categories</option>
<option value="event_type" >Event Types</option>
<option value="post_format" >Formats</option>
<option value="ld_lesson_category" >Lesson Categories</option>
<option value="ld_lesson_tag" >Lesson Tags</option>
<option value="media_category" >Media Categories</option>
<option value="series" >Podcast Series</option>
<option value="preferreddevice" >Preferred Devices</option>
<option value="program-target" >Program Targets</option>
<option value="ld_quiz_category" >Quiz Categories</option>
<option value="ld_quiz_tag" >Quiz Tags</option>
<option value="post_tag" >Tags</option>
<option value="ld_topic_category" >Topic Categories</option>
<option value="ld_topic_tag" >Topic Tags</option>
<option value="trainingtopic" >Training Topics</option>
<option value="troubleshooting" >Troubleshooting</option>
<option value="updatetype" >Update Types</option>
<option value="webinaraudience" >Webinar Audiences</option>
<option value="user" >
Issue that triggers console error is reported on first line, by tag <!– Preload Images –>
Can you please advise what issue might be?
All the best,
Markosame issue here… even with Firewall disabled, Wordfence breaks the final step of WP All Import giving a unhelpful 500 error (with nothing in the logs) on single site install. Very Frustrating! any news or advice anyone?
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
No news from here. Been waiting months for this one… neither WP or All Imports seem interested in fixing it. ??
what we’re dealing with is some kind of ‘perfect storm’ of settings and probably other plugins that are somehow affecting the sequence of things (that is the guesser, guessing fruitlessly) — WF and WPAI devs try on simple install, it works fine.
on this thread WFGerroald (@wfgerald) offered to look into it some more, but I personally have less than zero time to methodically work through the problem
It’s Query Monitor…
Query Monitor is one of my favorite plugins, and fortunately can be enabled/disabled even on a multisite network.
There is a thread on Query Monitor support –
not resolved, but it made me look… and yep, either disable Query Monitor, or disable Wordfence to do a WP All Import import.
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
- The topic ‘WF breaking WP All Import importing’ is closed to new replies.