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    Thread Starter Nordlicht


    When I install the plugin, the media entry in
    th wordpress sidebar is disappearing and is displaced by a entry.
    When I’m deactivating the plugin again, the media entry
    comes back again.

    Does anybody else got the same problem and can help?

    After hours of search I found the same bug.

    Open wetterinfo.php within the plugin and remove ‘,10’ in line 59 (function wetterinfo_config_page).

    Thread Starter Nordlicht


    After removing the “, 10” (without “”) the menu in WordPress works,
    but the Widget is not working. I just get an empty space when I add the widget to the sidebar.

    same problem here!
    Deutsche Telekom should solute this problem asap!

    I’ve had the same problem.
    Just change line 58 and 59 and use the add_options_page function to add the settings page to the Settings menu.

    if (function_exists('add_options_page')) {
    add_options_page(' Wetter', '', 'manage_options', 'wetterinfo_config', 'wetterinfo_config');

    Please get this bugfixed.

    I will write you a separate email on homepage.

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