[Picture Perfect] weird plugin/developer
This plugin/developer is simply insane! Instead of using menu_order for selecting the first 7 pages, it uses ID, which means there is absolutely no way in WordPress to edit what kind of pages you would like to show in what particular order.
It took me an hour to find out what is the hack I need to make it work. You need to edit header.php line 51 to:
<?php slider_menuparse(wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&number=7&title_li=&echo=0′)); ?>
or anything you like.
And instead of using this forum, he runs his own forum, where he asks for no less than 5 questions for antispam which includes that you need to write him personally an email!
antispam: * Are you a spammer?
Human: * Are you a human being?
Are you going to do bad things to my forum?: * Are you going to do bad things to my forum?
Confirmation code: To prevent automated registrations the board requires you to enter a confirmation code. The code is displayed in the image you should see below. If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the Board Administrator.
And the best one:
Secret Code: * You need a code to be able to register – this is to stop spambots. Email [email protected] and you will receive your code instantly by email. Enter the code you receive here.
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