• Resolved GermanKiwi


    Hi, I just updated directly from Sermon Manager 2.6.2 to 2.7.2, and I’ve noticed a couple of weird things since then…

    1) For some reason the menu entry name for the Sermons post type archive has changed from “Sermons” to “All Sermons”, and I can’t figure out where this is coming from. Have a look at this screenshot from my Menus config page (nav-menus.php) after the update:

    View post on imgur.com

    Prior to the update, it just said “Sermons” in both of the areas marked by the red circle. Of course I can just change the label there back to Sermons, but I’d like to know why or how this changed, and I’d like to change the original name back to Sermons too.

    The Archive Page Title on the plugin’s Settings page is set to “Sermons” as it always has been.

    2) Still some odd behaviour with the sermon dates. After the update, I opened the Edit page for a sermon that I had already created on 1 October, prior to the update. I saw that the Date Preached field was filled in with “01/10/2017” (I’m using the international date format, btw). So I decided to delete the field – leaving it empty – and click Update – to see what would happen when the field is left empty.

    What I found was that the field automatically repopulated itself again with the same date, 01/10/2017. I expected it to stay empty, as the field is now marked “optional”. but whatever. However the odd thing is this: when I then viewed the sermon on the front end, the date displayed there changed to “MONDAY 2 OCTOBER 2017” – even though the Edit Sermon page still showed the correct date of 01/10/2017! So it jumped ahead one day on the front end.

    I was able to repeat this with a new sermon too, as follows:

    a) Create new sermon
    b) Don’t touch the Date Preached field (it defaults to today’s date anyway)
    c) Change the Publish date to 1 Oct
    d) Publish
    e) View the sermon archive page, or the individual sermon page itself
    f) Displayed date there is 2 Oct, not 1 Oct.

    The only way I could get it to show the correct date again was to manually set the “Date Preached” field to the correct date, and save that.

    3) Another odd thing is that after a sermon has been created, it’s not possible to select the date text inside the Date Preached field with your mouse. Sometimes it lets you select the text and delete it, and other times it won’t let the text be selected.

    I guess what I’d love to see is an option on the Settings page that totally disables the Date Preached field so that it is not visible on the Edit Sermon page and is not used at all. I dunno if that is possible! ??

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  • Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    ….I just took a closer look at my older sermons, and it looks like a bunch of them are now showing the Monday date (ie. one day ahead of the date they are supposed to show), on the archive page. However they still show their correct respective Sunday dates on the Edit Sermon page for each one.

    The affected sermons are those between 21 Aug and 18 Sept. I haven’t touched these sermons since I updated to v2.7.2.

    I’m not sure about my sermon for 24 Sept and 1 Oct (ie. the latest 2 sermons) because I did have a play around with them after updating to 2.7.2, so that might have affected things.

    Anyway I’m guessing the affected sermons, which are showing the wrong date on the front-end, were those that were created with a specific previous version of the plugin (2.6.2?).

    Take a look if you like: https://www.ibcstuttgart.de/sermons

    Hey @germankiwi,

    Glad to see you again. ??

    1) The change is coming from here. Change of menu title is a unintended behavior.
    2) We’ll investigate. Thank you for reporting it.
    3) If Sermon Date field is automatically populated, field will be empty and have a placeholder of date that is set as “Published” – maybe we should adjust it to be completely blank instead?

    We’ll investigate the issues and let you know our findings.
    Thank you for your patience.

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Thanks for investigating! ??

    Regarding point 3, I’d favour keeping the field completely blank unless it’s specifically used (ie. I actively click inside the field and select a date there).

    The way it seems to work right now is this: I click “Add sermon”, and on the resulting page the Sermon Date field is pre-populated with today’s date, even though it says “optional” next to the field. That makes me assume that I need to click inside the field to change/fix the date to that of the sermon’s date (ie. previous Sunday). As a result, I’ve now enabled/activated the field and it’s no longer unused, which is not what I wanted.

    Alternatively, I can create a new sermon, ignore the pre-populated date in that field, and set the Publish Date to that of last Sunday. After I save the sermon, the Sermon Date field then shows the same date as the Publish Date, ie. last Sunday, which is fine. But it still gives me the impression that this field is being used, when in reality it isn’t being used because I haven’t clicked in it.

    I think if the field is going to be visible (ie. you aren’t able to introduce a setting to make it hidden), then it needs to be at least empty, to show that it really is optional.

    BTW, another small point I noticed (not a biggie): if I edit an older sermon where I’ve previously set the Sermon Date field to something from a previous month, eg. 1st July 2017, when I edit that sermon again now, and click inside the Sermon Date field, the little calendar pop-up defaults to the current month rather than to the month of the date that was already set there. It would seem more intuitive to me, that the calendar pop-up would show the already-selected date and month (ie. July) so that I could see what day of the week it was etc. Does that make sense? ??

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Hi @nikolam,

    I’ve just updated from 2.7.2 to 2.8.4.

    First of all, I’m happy to report that the issue I described above with several sermons showing the Monday date (ie. saved date +1) has been resolved. All sermons now show the correct saved date.

    However, there are still some remaining issues regarding dates, I’m afraid!

    I justed opened my last sermon, which had a Published date of Sun 1 October, and the Sermon Date was empty as I hadn’t used it. Then I clicked in the Sermon Date field, and selected 7 October on the calendar pop-up, and then saved this.

    After the page saving finished, the sermon itself on the website showed 7 October (good), but back on the Edit Sermon page, the Sermon Date field was empty again! Which means there’s no visual indication there, that the sermon has now been set to 7 Oct. The Publised date still shows 1 October of course, but the Sermon Date field is empty.

    If I select another date in the Sermon Date field, the date remains visible in that field only until I save (“Update”) the page, and then it’s gone.

    In my opinion, it’s good for the Sermon Date field to be empty by default, and to remain empty if I only use the Publish field. But if I manually set a date in the Sermon Date field, then that date needs to remain there after it’s saved, so that I can see it’s been used.

    Also, if I do add a date into the Sermon Date field, there needs to be a way that I can delete it later and have the sermon revert back to the Published date. Right now I have no way to do that. I know I can just set the Sermon Date to 1 October so it matches the Published date, but I’d like to actually delete the Sermon Date completely. Can you make that possible? ??

    Hey man,

    Thanks for making these detailed replies, it helps a bunch!

    In my opinion, it’s good for the Sermon Date field to be empty by default, and to remain empty if I only use the Publish field. But if I manually set a date in the Sermon Date field, then that date needs to remain there after it’s saved, so that I can see it’s been used.

    That is expected behavior, but seems like we have a small bug there.
    No worries, it will be patched in the next release. ??

    Also, if I do add a date into the Sermon Date field, there needs to be a way that I can delete it later and have the sermon revert back to the Published date. Right now I have no way to do that. I know I can just set the Sermon Date to 1 October so it matches the Published date, but I’d like to actually delete the Sermon Date completely. Can you make that possible? ??

    Yup, it’s completely possible, just leave Sermon Date field blank ??
    (after we fix the issue with it being blank even when value is set)

    So, just keep an eye on the next update. We will also send you a link to development version as soon as we make a fix for the bug.

    Thank you for your research on this!

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Sounds good, and glad you find this helpful! ??

    Yes, feel free to send me the dev version if you want. I work in Quality Assurance for a big software company so this is also what I do for a living! ??

    Oh, that would explain why you are always being super helpful ??

    Hm, I wonder if you are available for hire hehe ??
    Shoot me an email to [email protected] if you are interested

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Done! ??

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Done! ??

    Hi there!
    I also noticed two more things, using the current version (2.8.4):

    – When using the shortcode for a series, the date of a sermon will be shown in the english version, like 1. October 2017
    – When clicking on that same sermon in the single view, it will show the german date, but not use the saved date but the date the post was published, so here it reads 2. Oktober 2017

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    @nikolam, looks like I spoke too soon about the issue being resolved with the date showing one day ahead of what it should be.

    Here’s how I can reproduce this, using plugin v2.8.4:

    1. Create new sermon
    2. Don’t touch the Date Preached field – leave it empty
    3. Add all other sermon details
    4. Set Published date to 8 October @ 15:00 and save the sermon
    5. On the website, sermon date is shown as 7 October, not 8 October

    However, if I change the Published Date to 8 Oct @ 23:50 (ie. same date, later time), then the website shows the sermon date as 8 Oct.

    Reverting the Published Date back to 8 Oct at 15:00 changes the website date to 7 Oct again. So I can reproduce this every time.

    The fact that the date shown on the site depends on the time I select, makes me think that this could be related to time zones. Could that be the case?

    My website and server are located in Germany and the server therefore uses UTC+2 right now.


    @germankiwi @nikolam, I am also experiencing similar issue here, guess i will just wait for the new update, hoping it will come very soon.

    I do not feel Preached date should be compulsory, non should the publish date appear on preached date if it was left empty; it should be optional and if left empty it should not display on the front end.

    Thank you.

    Although not exactly the same issue others are having, I’m noticing weird date behaviour too with Sermon Manager. When I select “Enable template files found in the /views folder” the sermon loop shows what looks to be a random string followed by “Preached on January 1, 1970 by” with the preachers name on all sermons.

    Just below that the sermon date is correct. Turning off “Enable template files found in the /views folder” loses the sermon series image but also removes that “Preached on January 1, 1970 by” bit as well.

    I followed trouble shooting by activating a stock WordPress theme as well as disabling all other plugins but it made no difference. Just wondering if there is a setting I have missed or a bug? I’m using version 2.8.6.


    Hey @aremdee,

    There is issue in your template view, probably some old code – but we’ll fix it up for you.

    Could you please send me an email with temporary WordPress login info or with the following files from your theme directory:

    • archive-wpfc_sermon.php
    • single-wpfc_sermon.php
    • taxonomy-wpfc_bible_book.php
    • taxonomy-wpfc_preacher.php
    • taxonomy-wpfc_sermon_series.php
    • taxonomy-wpfc_sermon_topics.php
    • taxonomy-wpfc_service_type.php
    • wpfc-podcast-feed.php

    Email is [email protected], thanks ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Nikola. Reason: formatting

    I do not feel Preached date should be compulsory, non should the publish date appear on preached date if it was left empty; it should be optional and if left empty it should not display on the front end.

    @omo-oba, that’s a good suggestion. We’ll apply it to 2.9 release. Thank you ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Nikola. Reason: formatting
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