The best way to translate the site would be to translate the theme’s translatable strings manually.
To translate the translatable strings of the theme in your language you will need to create .mo file with french translation.
To create .mo file with POedit software:
1) Download poedit software(,
2) Open the software, From welcome screem choose to create pot file to translate translation ready strings from the theme.
3) You can now see a list of all translatable strings from the theme, select a string and choose “create new translation” option in source text tab.
4) Choose your desired language and type in translation for individual source text. you can also select one of the translation suggestions given by the software.
5) Save the created .mo file into your theme folder/languages.
Finally, you can select your translated language from your dashboard > settings > general settings > site language. and save changes.
Also, you can also post in any future queries in the theme’s official support forum at to get dedicated and swift support.
Hope it helps,
Best regards.