• www.stephaniefawbert.com


    My wordpress blog/website is no longer coming up when I type in the address, just a long list of wordpress links.
    And when I try to sign in, it says it cannot recognise the sign in ULR.. help!

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  • Krishna


    Can you post your site URL?

    Thread Starter www.stephaniefawbert.com


    Hi Krishna

    My URL is https://www.stephaniefawbert.com




    It looks improperly installed, or as if some files have been deleted. For one thing, there’s no index.php in that list. You’re also missing folders of files. Did you delete them?

    If you didn’t, I’d call your web host; perhaps they can help.



    You need to try the usual troubleshooting steps such as:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or phpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder – from a fresh download of WordPress.



    Sorry Krishna, but in this case you are wrong. The only thing that you said that made any sense if the lst point about re-uploading the files. BUT… If you look at the directory listing of the site you’ll see the file ‘fantversion.php’ and that there’s no ‘wp-admin’ folder and no ‘wp-content’ which means no admin section and no plugins. This tells us that WordPress was installed uisng Fantatico, so there was never any uploading of files to begin with saying to re-upload files is just confusing.

    Stephanie – I’m going ot assume that you had a fully workign blog before. If that’s the case I’d contact your hosting company and ask if they can restore a backup that has all of the files in it. Hopefully they’ll be able ot help you out with that. If not… I hope that you have a copy of your theme somewhere and you know what plugins that you were using because unfortunately you’ll have to do some manual re-installing. There is a possibility that Fantastico may be able to fix this for you, but it will only install the base system – not your theme or plugins.




    Great that you found at least one of the points that I suggested is NOT wrong. However, a reading of what you suggest also involves most of the troubleshooting steps I suggested. And most importantly, I did not insist that all the steps have to be followed. I am not sure which anyone step is going to solve the problem. Are you sure if anyone step will solve the problem? If not, don’t try to confuse by telling other suggestions are wrong.

    The great one step that you suggested, contacting the host can be a one-point solution because good hosting companies may try to help their clients by doing all the troubleshooting steps required. But if they just do not do that?



    I’m not sure where in my suggestions I said to deactivate the plugins (because they aren’t there and there’s no admin area), switching themes (no themes and again no admin area), or resetting the plugins (again, plugins aren’t there). At least what I’ve suggested didn’t involve 3 out of 4 steps that are just plain impossible and wasn’t just a copy-and-pasted response that’s been used before many times. I’m sorry if I offended you by pointing out these errors.

    I would hope that my suggestion will help. As you said most good hosting companies can help out like this. If they can’t in this case they’re in trouble because I’ll bet that there’s no backups anywhere else. If there’s no backups, there’s very little chance of restoring the site to what it was before unless you’re using unmodified versions of every plugins and a completely unmodified version of the theme.

    If we’re lucky and everything was just out-of-the-box and unmodified, re-installing the core WP files and re-installing the theme may work – BUT seeing as how this was done via Fantastico, you will create a bit of havoc if the version of WordPress doesn’t match the version that fantastico uses (Hint: It almost never does because fantastico is behind in what it uses most times). As a result of all of this asking the host if they can restore a backup that they have is really the best option in a case like this. If they can’t do that then we’d have to look at other much harder options, but until then we can hope that it’s a god hosting company.



    I’m sorry if I offended you by pointing out these errors.

    It’s OK. No need to be sorry, as we all are here to help if we can. So, please continue with your suggestions.

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