• Resolved Marcelo Pedra


    This thread is a unified conversation coming from here:
    and here:

    I have two WP websites using last versions of WordPress, WooCommerce, and this plugin for MercadoPago.

    One site is using mod_security and CloudFlare
    The other site IS NOT USING mod_security nor CloudFlare.
    Although, even if both sites are hosted in different servers, they have the same behaviour:

    If a customer make a purchase selecting BACS, the site send the New Order notification email to the site owner and to the customer, and sets the operation as “on-hold”. Everything ok.

    But if a customer make a purchase selecting MercadoPago, and no matter if the customer selects credit card or the other payments available via MercadoPago, the site send the New Order notification email ONLY to the customer, and sets the operation as “on-hold”, EVEN IF the customer completes the payment using credit card in MercadoPago. The site owner will receive a notification by mercadopago.com, not the website, only if the payment is completed. In the meanwhile, site owners are totally unaware of any operation purchase taking place in the site. And obviously, people cannot be constantly refreshing the Orders screen in WooCommerce to see when a new order is placed.

    Mail notifications should be sent as with other payment options when are set as on-hold. I guess this weird behaviour is not the intended one. Is this statement correct?

    Please note:
    – I deactivated firewall and mod_security on purpose in one site. And the other is not using that at all.
    – This rare behaviour is happenning even if I use MercadoPago in sandbox mode.
    – I enable the log and on every operation one can clearly read:

    05-20-2014 @ 13:52:50 - Getting client credentials...
    05-20-2014 @ 13:52:50 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    05-20-2014 @ 13:52:51 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago

    May the above be considered as a correct IPN response?

    Now, my first question (just to clarify): what component is responsible for sending the New Order notification email to the site owner? WooCommerce? or the used plugin itself?

    I just want to solve this issue.
    So, help please ??


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  • Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter Marcelo Pedra


    Hello Claudio, finally we got in touch with MercadoPago devs and joined efforts to test this and sort it out.

    The issue is now, and finally, solved. The IPN now is using a user-agent. Info was updated today in my blog post:

    Feel free to update your FAQ page and readme file to clarify that this issue was sorted out. I won’t be surprised if some users abandoned MercadoPago or even WooCommerce due to this issue. Then, making clear that it has been solved, could help encourage others to adopt it.


    Ola Claudio,

    instalei ontem o plugin e tenho recebido a mensagem na pagina. https://www.mercadopago.com/mlb/ferramentas/notificacoes

    N?o existe comunica??o entre servidores
    Resposta: {“protocolVersion”:{“major”:1,”minor”:1,”protocol”:”HTTP”},”reasonPhrase”:”Internal Server Error”,”statusCode”:500}

    No inicio tive dificuldades em receber as notificacoes de pagamentos e por um momento eu consegui receber a notificacao perfeitamente e fui dormir. Fui testar agora e o problema voltou. N?o uso o iThemes Security e acabei de desativar o modSecurity no servidor mas continuo com problemas.


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