• I’m sure many of you will hate me but I don’t have a lot of info as I am recovering from my FreeNas system dying so I’ve lost all my documentation on my system as well as just about every bit of data I had due to a power supply going belly up and taking every component with it. THis has left me with only my original backup from when the site was first created and I wrote a backup to DVD.

    I also can’t access the login page.

    Sadly this is the same time I noticed that my webiste which is a locally hosted WordPress installation is not rendering properly as seen in the link below.


    I don’t update it nearly enough and after some unfortunate life events this past summer I let a lot of things slide including my website.

    I have physical access to the website and the site appears to be attempting to load but the theme appears to be missing leaving all the content listed on the side of the page like a throwback to the early 90’s.

    SInce I have physical access to the machine I can log in and navigate around to provide any additional info that may be appreciated to help me resolve this issue.

    I’m running on CentOS 6.6 final, as a VM on my ESXi server.
    Since my documentation is lost I am uncertain of what version of WordPress is installed or even where at this moment. I have ssh, and access to ti’s FTP server, I’m just uncertain as to where to begin to try to fix this.

    If I could just be advised on how to do an export of the website and I would rebuild another VM and FTP the old site over top. With this I have two issues;
    1. I don;t want to pull over whatever is breaking it in the first place.
    2. I’m not sure if I can FTP into it, download all of the content, and then dump that into a new WP deployment.

    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Sadly this is the same time I noticed that my webiste which is a locally hosted WordPress installation is not rendering properly as seen in the link below.


    That’s just a tad confusing. So, is it your locally hosted site that won’t display correctly, or the site you linked to above, because the latter appears to load quite normally for me – including the login page.

    [edit] some additional info: the version of WordPress currently running on CentOS at StevensComputerService.com, is WordPresss Version 3.9.1

    Interestingly, I get a website is unavailable message, when I try to view the site.

    If you can FTP into the VM, yes, you can download the content. You will also need to be able to access the database, because you will have to export this into the new VM build.

    You might be able to use MySQL workbench and a remote login for this. If you’re not sure about the database details, FTP into your site location, and look inside the “wp-config.php” file.

    Once you have this, you should be able to rebuild the site in your new VM

    That is interesting. https://www.stevenscomputerservice.com/ just rendered perfectly for me.. IE, Chrome and FF.

    Yes, indeed. Cannot access it myself. Chrome shows: “webpage is unavailable”, and Firefox: “connection timed out”. I’m in the UK, not that it should make a difference.

    So my question to Steven: is your localhost server meant to be available for viewing on the internet? I’m assuming that it is, as @claytonjames can view the site no problem.

    You should be able to recover your content and database, if you have access to the server VM

    Thread Starter Steven.DeZalia


    Sadly this is the same time I noticed that my webiste which is a locally hosted WordPress installation is not rendering properly as seen in the link below.

    What I’m saying here is that my WordPress hosted website is hosted on a server that I host locally on my network.

    It is hosted behind my firewall and anyone outside the US may gave issues connection because I had my IDS setup to reject all connections outside the US. I just added GB-UK to the whitelist.

    I’ve got it blocked because I don’t plan on performing services that far away so there was no legitimate reason for the permission. You should be able to connect now.

    Here is a link to a screenshot of what it is isee when I attempt to connect.

    Thanks Steven

    The link now works, and I am able to access your site. You might want to throw up a message for foreign visitors, if their IPs are blocked by your firewall.

    The theme appears to load fine, and displays as the Origami theme should (your site is running the Origami theme from SiteOrigin).

    The problem you are having is likely due to addressing issues.

    Your screenshot is using the site’s IP address instead of hostname. This may prevent some CSS files from loading properly, and explains why your content appears unstyled.

    Have you tried viewing the site using the hostname, i.e. stevenscomputerservice.com? Does this immediately redirect to the IP address?

    Furthermore are you able to login to the WordPress admin area? i.e.:


    If so, then you can identify the WordPress version from the dashboard. It will be as @claytonjames mentioned earlier.

    This problem is not down to WordPress versions, I don’t think. It seems to be a url addressing issue.

    For site export, if you can login to the admin area, then you can install a plugin such as Duplicator, and create a full clone of the site.

    As mentioned earlier, you need 2 things in order to migrate/clone your site:

    1. Files
    2. Database

    Duplicator will help you collect both.


    Here is a link to a screenshot of what it is i see when I attempt to connect.

    As CJ mentions, you might try connecting by using your domain name instead of the server private internal ip address as depicted in your screen-shot, and see if things look normal then.

    Unless you have a hardware issue that is preventing nat-loopback on your own network, there’s no reason to use the internal private server ip to view the site.

    Thread Starter Steven.DeZalia


    I’m starting to think that the IP address was the issue. I’m working on figuring out how to have my firewall not redirect me to it’s management interface when I connect to the webserver. This is happening due to the domain name pointing behind the firewall so internally it is always redirecting me to the firewall admin interface as opposed to the webserver.

    It’s part of the DNS rebinding attack protection I believe. Well I’m glad to see the the website is still functional and operating, seems like the issue is connection from within the network to the server.

    Thank you both for your help as this makes things easier once I can get a propper connection established.

    I may be looking for a backup solution from within WordPress as I’d always liked my VMware snapshots until the server they were stored on was lost. Any suggestions to look at?

    Thread Starter Steven.DeZalia


    The link now works, and I am able to access your site. You might want to throw up a message for foreign visitors, if their IPs are blocked by your firewall.

    I’m hesitant to do that as the way it’s setup now it appears as there is nothing at the destination. If I were to broadcast that “your being blocked via my firewall due to your location” that may just invite then to use a proxy in the States to attempt an attack. I’m not housing top secret documents or anything, but since I have no intention of business outside the States and a few other white listed countries that I have made exceptions to I see no real advantage for this practice other then the situation we ran into here. Unfortunately I don’t believe I can break up the blocked countries into high and low risk where I may be willing to offer a warning message to those in a low risk country such as GB/UK, but absolutely no notification to China or Russia for example.

    If anyone else comes here running pfSense as their router/firewall and is having similar issues you way want to look here and check your configs to the solution in this link:

    Again Thank you both for your help as after making the apporiate changes to my router/firewall I’m able to hit the site properly. I still have to check the admin interface but so far so good. I suspect an update for my router came through that had the elevated security policies and I never noticed it had broke the NAT redirection.

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