If you’re not a coder, and you plan on designing more web sites, you should pick up some skills. w3schools.com has some excellent tutorials.
Anyway, here is a JavaScript solution for you. Go to Appearances > Montezuma Options > Head > Insert code and copy & paste this code into the Bottom field. This will leave the first two letters black and the rest of your site title blue:
// This code changes the firstpart of #sitetitle to cover just the first two characters
// Get HTML of site title. This includes the link, but more importantly,
// it includes the span which marks the "firstpart".
var strSiteTitleHtml = $("#sitetitle").html();
// Get the text in the first part of the site title
// so we can search for it later within the HTML string
var strFirstPart = $("#sitetitle .firstpart").text();
// Find the position of the ending span tag within the HTML
var iEndSpan = strSiteTitleHtml.indexOf("</span>");
// Remove the ending span tag from the HTML string by concatenating
// the part before the tag with the part after the tag (note that </span>
// is 7 characters long).
strSiteTitleHtml = strSiteTitleHtml.substr(0, iEndSpan)
+ strSiteTitleHtml.substr(iEndSpan + 7);
// Find the position of the first part of the site title
// within the new HTML string
var iSiteTitle = strSiteTitleHtml.indexOf(strFirstPart);
// Insert the end span tag after the second character of the site title
strSiteTitleHtml = strSiteTitleHtml.substr(0, iSiteTitle + 2)
+ "</span>"
+ strSiteTitleHtml.substr(iSiteTitle + 2);
// Finally, set the HTML of the site title to the modified HTML string
}); // End of the ready function