• Hello,
    My website loads so slow on my computer only. I can load it from any other device with no problems, my husband can get it on his laptop sitting across the room in seconds and he’s tried from the computers at work, no issue.
    We’ve done EVERYTHING we can think of to fix this issue.
    It’s my Macbook that simply takes forever to load my site… like a 2 minutes for each page! It seems that it’s my laptop that just doesn’t want to load the pages quickly. Makes working on my site impossible!
    I don’t have any problems with any other website loading but my own.
    Does anyone have any answers for this?

    What we’ve done:
    Checked router, internet connection.
    Deactivated/activated plugins
    Checked proxies
    Checked DNS
    Checked IP
    Ran malware scans
    Tried running on everything (firefox, Chrome, Safari)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have tried to open your site and seems that one of your URL https://analytics.seogears.com/piwik.js takes too much time to load or stuck in loading. If I blocked this URL from the browser network tab then your website loads quickly than before. May be after resolving this issue will help you.

    I would also recommend you to use CDN like JetPack or Cloudflare and caching plugins. By using the mentioned techniques your site will become faster.

    Call your webhost about that SEO service that they have probably either gave you as a premium or have sold you.

    That ‘analytics dot SEOGears dot com’ host doesn’t answer at all and I wonder if that Mac somehow doesn’t want to give up or ignore it before trying to render the rest of the site.

    I’m not sure if that’s a plugin or some custom coding on their end or something you purchased elsewhere even.

    Let us know if that’s not the answer or you have further questions.

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