• I need help! We are a nonprofit and someone has hacked our website. When we go to the address (www.stlonline.org) it just says “\\** hacked by hidden pain **//” and POWn3D in the tab. When I go to log into our wordpress account it says “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_REQUIRE in /home/stlcoordinator/stlonline.org/wp-login.php on line 12”

    I have no idea what is going on, or any clue how to fix it?! Could someone please help us remedy this and get our charity website back online!

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  • Hmmm ok

    first move all files inside public_html to folder out public_html

    then upload new wordpress verion,
    and do it by fast login into your admin faster than the hacker does ,
    and change all admin informations like email and password,
    and delete all other admin’s users,

    and about the wp-content u must be sure there’s no shell inside it to make hacker back and hack ur blog again ,
    just make sure it’s clean

    then if u use old theme , just delete it and upload new clearn theme files

    that’s it

    i can do it for u if u want that so , and trust !…


    Thread Starter Sky's the Limit


    Thank you for responding! Please be patient with me as I am in no way an IT professional. How do I get to the files inside public_html?

    Your best course of action is first contact your host and get them to recover your website from backup. Once you have a clean copy in place then run (don’t walk) in making sure all your stuff is updated, all user/passwords changed, etc.

    Most hacked sites I work on are due to outdated plugins or theme. Try the “timthumb vulnerability scanner” once things are back in place. That may help identify any old timthumb scripts.

    Then I recommend you make sure all is upgraded. Sadly, nowadays it’s rare for hackers to not leave back door scripts in place (allowing hacker to hack your site again in future).

    You’ll need to review every file on your website respectively to ensure none are out of place or were installed by hacker.

    Hmmm.. whatever hosters back ur site 1 month back it’s not safe too ,
    to make sure the hacker not go back and hack ur website again u must change all contents inside ur Public_html wich is in [Cpanel(host]
    and by that way ur website would be safe ,

    public_html is inside ur website host

    for example
    https://site.com:2082 or try to use any FTP program

    and make sure there’s no bugs inside ur theme like { upload form or esle…) or even a plugin !..

    Thread Starter Sky's the Limit


    Again, thank you to everyone who is helping us with this! Our host is WordPress is it not? We have our website through wordpress but I can’t find any contact email or number to reach them. Also, how do I get to any of the files if I can’t log in or even see my website?

    Thanks again!

    your website host is dreamhost.com
    contact them with Email that you’d registred with ,
    and they’ll send u all your website info’s ,
    if u did pay for the support they can do it for you,else you can do it by ur self !…

    Thread Starter Sky's the Limit


    Thank you! Hopefully it works!

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