What a nightmare!
Hope the below helps:
1) Change the usernames and password for all related logins – wp-admin, cPanel, FTP, hosting account, email, domain regsitry – everything! That should stop the ex-admin from screwing things up again.
2) Have a look at
It’s from Oct 2016 but may help if you can’t get your content back any other way.
3) It’s a long shot, but see if there are any old page revisions that can be restored.
4) Log in to mySQL and have a look through the tables for the content. Again, the ex-admin has probably made a decent job of wiping everything but it’s worth a look.
5) Speak to your hosts again because most decent hosts have some sort of backup they keep for a certain time. There may be a cost but it will probably be worth it.
I note that the theme has also been reset so he may have just done a complete re-install, in which case your hosts are your best bet.
Hope this helps in some little way, and good luck ??