• Hi
    I have activated the “Create WebP Versions” and “Image WebP Replacement” features, so that the images on my site change from jpg to webP, but why do I see that nothing has changed the image?
    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    You said:

    if browser does not support webp , then it will not send webp but previous/original images

    What if I activate the “Remove original images” feature, will the original image still be displayed if the browser doesn’t support it? otherwise what images will be displayed?
    Thank you

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    Yes, it will send 2 sets of images based on browser

    One for browser with webp, one for browser doesn’t have webp

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    One for browser with webp, one for browser doesn’t have webp

    My question is, what if I activate the “Remove original images” feature in LiteSpeed’s settings, won’t that delete the original images?
    If it has been deleted, how LiteSpeed will display the original image for browsers that are not compatible with the webp version?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    oh , sorry for mis-understand

    this is how it works

    you have a image, let’s say test.jpg , after img optm ,it will be :

    test.jpg -> optmized version
    test.bk.jpg -> original backup
    test.jpg.webp -> webp version , if applcable

    remove origina images will remove test.bk.jpg

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    It means that if I activate the feature, an optimized image will be displayed on browsers that do not support webp images?

    Plugin Support qtwrk



    yes , if browser sends accept: image/webp header, then LSCWP will send test.jpg.webp , if browser doesn’t send this header, then LSCWP will send test.jpg

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    Thank you for the information
    But why is the final URL of the webp image is .jpg.webp? not only .webp?
    Thank you

    Plugin Support qtwrk



    I don’t know , it is just made that way

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    Ok, thank you very much

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