• Resolved i0n1ca


    Hi ulfben,

    Thank you for this great plugin. I am replying to my old post with ?webp support”.

    In wp-jquery-lightbox.php line 176, 183, 199 please add just ?|webp” after bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

    //Matt's version to support multiple rel values
    function jqlb_do_regexp_multirel($content, $id){
    	$id = esc_attr($id);
    	$a_tag_img_regex = "/(<a[^>]+href=['\"][^>]+\\.(?:bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|webp)[^>]+)>/i";
    	if (preg_match_all($a_tag_img_regex, $content, $a_tag_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
    		foreach ($a_tag_matches as $a_tag) {
    			$new_a_tag = $a_tag[0];
    			$rel_regex = "/(rel=['\"])(?![^>]*?(?:lightbox|nolb|nobox))([^'\"]+)(['\"])/i";
    			$new_a_tag = preg_replace($rel_regex, '$1lightbox['.$id.'] $2$3', $new_a_tag);
    			$no_rel_regex = "/(<a(?![^>]*?rel=['\"].+)[^>]+href=['\"][^>]+\\.(?:bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|webp)[^>]+)>/i";
    			$new_a_tag = preg_replace($no_rel_regex, '$1 rel="lightbox['.$id.']">', $new_a_tag);
    			if ($new_a_tag != $a_tag[0]) $content = str_replace($a_tag[0], $new_a_tag, $content);
    	return $content;
    /* automatically insert rel="lightbox[nameofpost]" to every image with no manual work.
    	if there are already rel="lightbox[something]" attributes, they are not clobbered.
    	Michael Tyson, you are a regular expressions god! - https://atastypixel.com */
    function jqlb_do_regexp($content, $id){
    	$id = esc_attr($id);
    	$content = preg_replace('/\s+rel="attachment wp-att-[0-9]+"/i', '', $content); //remove WP 4.4 garbage
    	$pattern = "/(<a(?![^>]*?rel=['\"]lightbox.*)[^>]*?href=['\"][^'\"]+?\.(?:bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|webp)(\?\S{0,}){0,1}['\"][^\>]*)>/i";
    	$replacement = '$1 rel="lightbox['.$id.']">';
    	return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);

    Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey there @i0n1ca! After an amazing, long run by @ulfben, I’ve taken over the maintenance of this plugin. I intend to continue actively supporting it indefinitely. I’ll be posting some kind of announcement soon, at least here in the forums.

    I’ll happily include your change in the next release, hopefully within the next 1-2 weeks. Thanks very much for following up on this change, and for the detailed code suggestion/fix – even with line numbers :).

    By the way, if you have any other outstanding feedback or suggestions please feel free to share. As a new maintainer, I’m very interested right now in hearing feedback or suggestions from those who have been actively using the plugin.

    I was working on some small changes and decided to just make the webp change and push a small release. If you get a chance, please confirm webp is working as you’d expect. Thanks!

    Thread Starter i0n1ca


    Hi @edanzer,

    Thanks for your fast reply, I can confirm that is working now. Till now, I love this plugin because it’s simple and it does what it says, creates a nice image preview.

    Sure, if something goes through my mind I will come back with feedback.



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