Hi @freddyee!
This is Joseph from Imagify, and I’ll gladly assist you here!
I took a look at your site, and it seems from my end that most of your images are displaying in WebP. I think you are using our “Use rewrite rules” option for displaying WebP images currently. Is that correct?
It can be a bit confusing to test if WebP images are displaying when using the rewrite rules option because it will result in your HTML code appearing to display the JPG or PNG versions of images, though the rewrite rules work to ensure the WebP images are actually being served to users’ browsers. You can follow this guide for ensuring WebP images are being served: https://imagify.io/documentation/how-to-check-if-webp-image-is-displayed-on-your-site/.
The only image on your homepage that I noticed that wasn’t in WebP was the one named IMG_20200117_173349_8901-300×225.jpg. I think this one is because the WebP image does not exist, and I think the WebP image does not exist because it seems this image has not been optimized yet.
I downloaded it and ran it through our online optimizer at https://app.imagify.io/ using our lowest compression level (Normal) and it was still able to be optimized, which indicates that it has not yet been optimized. For this image, I think you may need to locate it in your Media Library (list view), and optimize it from within there, and then it should start also displaying as WebP.
This all said, I have to let you know that our “Use rewrite rules” option is not compatible with Cloudflare use. It may seem like it is working fine, but when these are used together, Cloudflare will often cache your WebP versions of your images and serve them incorrectly to users of Safari browsers. Since we can’t control the behavior of Cloudflare, there is nothing we can do to resolve this. If you test this and notice it has happened, you may need to clear your Cloudflare cache.
For users of Cloudflare, we recommend using our “Use <picture> tags” option instead. You had asked what URL to use when using this option, and given that you are using one of Cloudflare’s plans that do not offer a custom CDN CNAME URL, you should just leave this field blank.
Our “Use <picture> tags” option sometimes cause image display issues as well, so if you have any issues when switching to this option, then WebP display might not be possible for you quite yet. I know this is not optimal, but Apple has announced they will be supporting WebP images in Safari browsers very soon, and once that is the case, you’ll be able to link your images directly to WebP images without needing the “Use <picture> tags” or “Use rewrite rules” options to provide fallback support for users of these browsers. Additional info on this: https://www.macrumors.com/2020/06/22/webp-safari-14/.
I hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any further questions, and I’ll be glad to assist!
Best regards,