• Hi there, I’ve started receiving emails notifying me of a webhook error on one of my forms but it’s not clear how to fix the error.

    Here’s an example of what I’m getting:

    Hey! How are you?

                               “CF7 to Webhook” has a built-in feature
    that detects when a webhook fails and notifies you with this automated

    ???????????????????????????– Form: #10899 – ???? Demo Email Collection
    ???????????????????????????– Webhook: REDACTED
    ???????????????????????????– Error: “Webhook returned a error code.”

                               Submited data:


                               Response Code:

                               Response Message:
                               “Not Found”

                               Response Body:
                               “please unsubscribe me!”


    ???????????????????????????You’ll receive one notification for each webhook with errors.
    ???????????????????????????Other webhooks maybe were successful.

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