As you can see in your notification, your webhook is returning a error: 400 Bad Request
Please, check your Zapier integration.
sprintf( __( ‘[%s] Webhook Error on Form %s’, ‘cf7-to-zapier’ ), wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( ‘blogname’ ), ENT_QUOTES ), $form ),
ChatGPT said:
Possible Issue:
function call, the trailing comma ,
after the third parameter ($notification
) is incorrect syntax. In PHP, there should not be a comma after the last parameter in a function call.Here’s how the fixed function should look:
sprintf( __( ‘[%s] Webhook Error on Form %s’, ‘cf7-to-zapier’ ), wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( ‘blogname’ ), ENT_QUOTES ), $form ),
Not sure if this issue is related… our webhooks are working, but just getting this error which was not happening before the recent update.
]]>But no: It’s not related. The notification means everything is OK, but your server is returning a 400 Bad Request.
Said that, I figured maybe your header is broken:
{"Content-Type":"application\/json; charset=UTF-8","To get utm_source":"https:\/\/\/?utm_source=example","Use this shortcode":"[hidden utm_source default:get]"}
“To get utm_source” and “Use this shortcode” are pretty sure a invalid header. Remove everything from headers option and try again, please.