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  • Thread Starter kyledoesit


    I think I found it! Took a little searching hahah

    Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    Hi Kyle,

    I just replied to your email after digging around on your site but I wanted to post the reply here as well, in case others are experiencing the same thing.

    By default, the plugin (incl. the webhook) will only synchronise the email field with MailChimp as that is the only known field.

    If you want to keep more user fields in sync with the corresponding MailChimp profile, then you need to specify those fields in the “Send additional fields” setting on the MailChimp > User Sync settings page.

    Then, with the webhook in place, changing any of these fields in either WordPress or MailChimp will update the corresponding field remotely as well.

    I hope that clarifies a little, definitely something we hope to make a bit more clear in the UX of the plugin. ??

    Thread Starter kyledoesit


    Thank you, I just emailed a question on that for sync with x-profiles for buddypress.

    Thread Starter kyledoesit


    this is not working!
    For a recap, this is firstly for sync between wordpress+buddypress+x-profiles to mailchimp with reverse sync from mailchimp. Creating a user now also works, I am not sure about how the passwords work but I am not worried about that at all! Thank you Danny for all your help, you were and absolute lifesaver!

    //Add buddypress xprofile field to MailChimp Sync
    //Call the function
    add_filter( 'mailchimp_sync_user_data', 'mailchimp_buddypress', 10, 2 );
    //Write the function
    function mailchimp_buddypress( $data, $user ) {
    	//Get user ID
    	$user_id = $user->ID;
    	// Store Xprofile fields in the $data variable
    	$data['STREET'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 13 , $user_id );
    	$data['STREET2'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 14 , $user_id );
    	$data['CITY'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 7 , $user_id );
    	$data['STATE'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 8 , $user_id );
    	$data['ZIP'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 9 , $user_id );
    	$data['PHONE1'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 16 , $user_id );
    	$data['PHONE2'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 17 , $user_id );
    	$data['COUNTRY'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 28 , $user_id );
    	$data['EMPLOYER'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 3 , $user_id );
    	$data['INDUSTRY'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 4 , $user_id );
    	$data['JOBTITLE'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 5 , $user_id );
    	$data['MAJOR'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 6 , $user_id );
    	$data['YEARSROWED'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 10 , $user_id );
    	$data['YEARROWED'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 11 , $user_id );
    	$data['COACH'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 18 , $user_id );
    	$data['ADVDEG'] = xprofile_get_field_data( 19 , $user_id );
    	//Return the data
    	return $data;
    // hook into profile updates
    add_action( 'mailchimp_sync_webhook_profile', function( $data, $user ) {
    	$fields = $data['merges'];
    	// mailchimp field names to buddypress field id's
    	$map = array(
    		'STREET' => 13,
    		'STREET2' => 14,
    		'CITY' => 7,
    		'STATE' => 8,
    		'ZIP' => 9,
    		'PHONE1' => 16,
    		'PHONE2' => 17,
    		'COUNTRY' => 28,
    		'EMPLOYER' => 3,
    		'INDUSTRY' => 4,
    		'YEARSROWED' => 10,
    		'YEARROWED' => 11,
    		'COACH' => 18,
    		'ADVDEG' => 19
    	foreach( $map as $mc_field => $bp_field_id ) {
    		if( ! empty( $fields[ $mc_field ] ) ) {
    			xprofile_set_field_data( $bp_field_id, $user->ID, $fields[ $mc_field ] );
    }, 10, 2 );
     * This code hooks into the MailChimp User Sync webhook listener.
     * When a request comes in that is not an unsubscribe request and for which no user exists yet, a new user will be created.
    add_filter( 'mailchimp_sync_webhook_user', function( $user, $data ) {
    	// have user already? use that.
    	if( $user instanceof \WP_User ) {
    		return $user;
    	// do not run when someone unsubscribed through MailChimp
    	if( $_REQUEST['type'] === 'unsubscribe' ) {
    		return $user;
    	// No user yet and this is not an unsubscribe request, let's create a new one!
    	//$user_id = wp_create_user( $data['email'], wp_generate_password(), $data['email'] );
    	$user_id = wp_create_user( $data['merges']['USERNAME'], wp_generate_password(), $data['email'] );
    	// send notification to user
    	wp_new_user_notification( $user_id );
    	// return complete user object
    	return get_userdata( $user_id );
    }, 10, 2 );
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