This is the Javascript code:
'file': '',
'autostart': 'true',
'streamer': 'rtmp://',
'controlbar': 'over',
'controlbar.idlehide': 'true',
'width': '800',
'height': '449',
'icons': 'true',
'skin': '',
plugins: {
'/wp-content/themes/surfabc/_js/extralogo.js': {
link1: '',
left1: '10',
top1: '407',
width1: '90',
height1: '31',
link2: '',
left2: '754',
top2: '389',
width2: '35',
height2: '49'
'modes': [
{type: 'flash', src: ''},
type: 'html5',
config: {
'file': '',
'provider': 'video'
// DisplayWidth & DisplayHeight specifies the displayed width & height of the image.
// You may change these numbers, the effect will be a stretched or a shrunk image
var DisplayWidth = 800;
var DisplayHeight = 449;
// This is the URL of the generated media.
var MediaURL = "rtsp://";
var output = "";
output = '<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width=';
output += DisplayWidth;
output += ' height=';
output += DisplayHeight;
output += ' CODEBASE="">';
output += '<param name="src" value="/wp-content/themes/surfabc/_img/">';
output += '<param name="autoplay" value="true">';
output += '<param name="controller" value="true">';
output += '<param name="qtsrc" value="';
output += MediaURL;output += '">';
output += '<embed src="/wp-content/themes/surfabc/_img/" width=';
output += DisplayWidth;
output += ' height=';
output += DisplayHeight;
output += ' qtsrc="';
output += MediaURL;
output += '" autoplay="true" controller="false" target="myself"';
output += ' PLUGINSPAGE=""></embed>';
output += '</OBJECT>';
jQuery('#quicktimeLink').click(function(e) {
jQuery('#noVideoLink').click(function(e) {