@vshsingh Hello there! Thanks for your post. The page shows the story poster image and only plays the story upon interaction or when in the viewport. I can see that when viewing your archive page the story autoplays when it is in the viewport and is static when not.
1. Since the Web Stories archive page uses the default archive theme for your website, you could disable the built-in archive and instead refer to a new custom page as the archive. You can then edit this custom archive page using Gutenberg and build out story blocks as you like.
To do this you’ll have to navigate to Stories > Settings > Stories Archives and select the custom option. Next, select the page you wish to use and once the settings have been saved you will be able to access that page from the pages section of your site to edit how you wish to display your Stories.
2. When building out your custom archive page, note that Stories will not autoplay when added using the Web Stories block’s Latest Stories or Selected Stories options, as these display multiple stories.
Individual stories will autoplay when added with the Web Stories block’s Story URL option. There is an open request to change this behavior in this GitHub issue: https://github.com/GoogleForCreators/web-stories-wp/issues/6894