• Hi Everyone,

    I manage a small wordpress site for a dance studio. I believe I was using WP 3.7 with the standard version of All in One. Yesterday, was working on the site and All in One said an upgrade was available. I hit the upgrade button.

    The site now looks like this. The events have taken over the home page: https://www.kineticsdance.org/

    And I am locked out of editing anything. The dashboard has been taken over. The plugin menu is not available so I cannot disable All in One from there.

    I have been going through all the support threads. I tried renaming the folder manually, deleting the folder, installing an older version and nothing has worked.

    The rest of the site is in tact. I would like to completely delete All in One and then once the site is restored study my options.

    Should I delete the folder manually and then go into the MySQL database and delete anything with themes-ai1ec in the title?


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  • Hi, I am having similar issues. Manual upgrade and automatic upgrade (from within WP Dashboard) crashed my site. I had to do a backup restore and finally could make the site work again by deleting all calendar files from the folder /plugin manually.
    So theoretically a fresh reinstall should do the trick, but it does not.
    After uploading the version 2.0.4 I get an error message:
    Something like “during the connections to the server, there is an error. Please verify your settings.” (Pwd is correct.) If I continue from this screen I get stuck on a blank screen and the dashboard is unavailable and I need to delete the calender files manually (by FTP).
    What can I do? I noticed that the mysql database is still full of entries. Should I delete them manually (phpmyadmin)?
    Please help!

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