• honkin


    I am creating a website to highlight restaurants in my area. It will function as a mobile phone Progressive Web App eventually (max width of 480px), so no address bar will ever be visible. The structure of the site is a homepage with little functionality, just has a search button which is really a link to the search page, as well as a handful of the more popular restaurants showing. The search page has a functioning search button to either search via cuisine or restaurant name and there are also labelled images of all the cuisines for searching only by cuisine. Once a search is initiated, either all restaurants in a cuisine show, or just the individual restaurant, depending on how it was searched.

    The idea is that we will give this app for free to guests who take any of our tours here we are located, or people visiting may purchase the app. This is where I need help.

    When people install the app from a supplied QR code, those with access for free should be able to login via login details we supply them (just their email address and a supplied password), but those without will need to purchase via Stripe. I already have a Stripe account, but do not have the Pro version as was hoping the checkout would be hosted by Stripe, rather than on the app. The app shows no address bar at all, but I am concerned that the stripe link, once opened, will show as a webpage.

    I have already created 2 membership levels, 1 foir the free user and 1 for those who will need to purchase.

    So a few questions arise, as I have never tried to restrict content before, so here goes:

    Firstly, how do I configure getting a login to appear once the app is installed? If this is not RCP-related, simply ignore.

    Once those who have free access login, they will immediately see the homepage, but how to configure it so the people who purchase the app only get access once they have paid?

    Do I need to restrict every single page? I ask as there are only 2 pages which are able to be accessed normally…the homepage and the search page. All the other pages only show after a search is performed. The rest of the pages are generated using ACF pro using dynamic content.

    Any help gladly accepted, as have never done this before and struggling now the main content is created.

    I hope this makes sense, but if anything needs clarification, let me know.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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