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  • Unfortunately, same problem : it disappeared !

    So i use alfie

    But i prefer this one… I think that perhaps there’s a WOEID issue, as in alfie the working one is only made of numbers, and here only a version with letters works (not the version i use with alfie…)sometimes.
    ex : paris : 615702 or FRXX0076

    too bad : beautiful widget. ??

    Can all of you try something else. In shortcode.php of plugin on line 19 change “location” to “woeid”. And take only numbers code from first Yahoo weather link on theirs webpage, not to go to extended preview and take mix of numbers and letters. Paste it in plugin settings page where “City WOEID ” goes.

    Dont rush with reporting, give it few days.

    Try and report if it goes well.

    No, it still disappear.

    In beautiful-yahoo-weather/inc/shortcode.php
    $jsonStr = file_get_contents($url);
    $ch = curl_init();
    $timeout = 5; // set to zero for no timeout
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
    $jsonStr = curl_exec($ch);
    It ‘s worked to my website. Hope to help you !

    Now it wont show bigger cities. With or without your code, the same.
    Can it be something theme specific ? Some code missing in functions.php ?

    Man, why i just dont give up.

    Most problems comes from troubles to show data for small places.
    Now sometimes even middle range cities. I just typed ID for one capitol and it showed data directly.

    What is wrong with this code so it wont show data for all cities. They work without glitch on browser based Yahoo weather page.

    Is Yahoo restricting something ? And why, how, what to do about it ?

    Non of my websites where i test this plugin have near so many page clicks to trigger Yahoo limit.

    Sometimes i suspect WP transients and cache making this problem.

    Now i changed Yahoo feed server link to https just to test, got error, reversed back to http and small city showed data directly.

    I strongly suspect it has something to do with WP transient cache (core, not cache plugin). This plugin doesnt play well with WP core.

    The weather widget on my site randomly disappears. This plugin was working just fine I′ve checked I have the last version, so I’m wondering if it’s Yahoo’s service cutting out. Have anyone be able to fix this?

    It’s a crazy bug causing this.

    In the plugin, it makes sure that there’s data to display the HTML by checking !empty($wd).
    in <?php if (!empty($wd)) { ?> just before the HTML code, in the file beautiful-yahoo-weather/inc/shortcode.php

    The think is that $wd is the wind speed or whatever. If $wd is 0 then !empty($wd) will be false.

    So to make it work change it to check if there’s a returned object or not. Replace the line before the HTML to <?php if (!empty($byw_feed->item)) { ?>.

    Has someone got this issue fixed?

    I got it fixed. Read my comment above.

    Thanks Amrnt, I will test it right now.

    AWESOME! It worked!

    Thanks so much.

    Thanks @amrnt. It is working now indeed, all the time. Dont know if developer gets mail notifications.

    Stagger Lee


    When we change core files maybe best to change transient cache expire time too. Think 5 minutes is a bit to aggresive (is it 5 minutes ?)

    One hour is best to avoid visitors feel they are cheated.

    set_transient('weather_feed', $byw_feed, 5*60);
    set_transient('weather_feed', $byw_feed, 3600);

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