Hello @danielcantuaria ,
Thanks for reaching out!
We currently don’t maintain an integration with WCfM on Product Dependencies and haven’t tested the two plugins on our side. I took a look at the WCfM plugin and noticed it creates a new ‘front-end dashboard’ for vendors, where they can manage Products among other options: https://a.cl.ly/ApuzDQDy, similarly to the way you can do it in the admin dashboard of your site. However, as you correctly mentioned, Product Dependencies can only be added via the Products tab of the WordPress dashboard — I am not sure how WCfM creates their multivendor dashboard.
With that said, it might be possible to achieve the desired result with custom code. Would you perhaps consider hiring a Developer to further assist you with this? For WordPress/WooCommerce customizations, we highly recommend https://codeable.io/.
Maria Chekimoglou
Support Team Lead | SomewhereWarm | https://somewherewarm.com/