I’ve got rather a lot of product data to upload, over 500,000 items in fact. But I’m beginning to think I made the wrong decision to go with WooCommerce as it doesn’t seem able to cope with with numbers. I’ve so far got around 90,000 items loaded, but that took over a day and since then the scheduled actions are taking forever to finish.
So first up is it really necessary to limit the queue to a single item at a time and second why does the process wc_update_product_lookup_tables_column take so long to run? If I’m really lucky I see one fire off every minute. At this rate it will be sometime in 2022 before all the data is loaded. And I’m very glad I’m trying this out on a test system before going live. I’ve downloaded and checked the cron jobs with the wp-crontrol plugin, but all that tells me is that the jobs are running, pretty much on time. It’s just that there are still 63,832 to go. How can we speed this lot up and is there an easier way of bulk uploading that number of products?
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