• I’ve got rather a lot of product data to upload, over 500,000 items in fact. But I’m beginning to think I made the wrong decision to go with WooCommerce as it doesn’t seem able to cope with with numbers. I’ve so far got around 90,000 items loaded, but that took over a day and since then the scheduled actions are taking forever to finish.

    So first up is it really necessary to limit the queue to a single item at a time and second why does the process wc_update_product_lookup_tables_column take so long to run? If I’m really lucky I see one fire off every minute. At this rate it will be sometime in 2022 before all the data is loaded. And I’m very glad I’m trying this out on a test system before going live. I’ve downloaded and checked the cron jobs with the wp-crontrol plugin, but all that tells me is that the jobs are running, pretty much on time. It’s just that there are still 63,832 to go. How can we speed this lot up and is there an easier way of bulk uploading that number of products?

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  • I was looking forward to reading a reply to this.

    I manage a client’s site with 325,000 products on it.

    Adding products slowed down exponentially.

    Nobody will give a straight answer on performance. From what I can tell it is all down to woocommerce’s use of the post meta table to store product data. Over 6,000,000 rows so far.

    If you are using the standard woocommerce import can you check batch sizes? When I uploaded say exactly 5,000 it would report less successfully uploaded. It would ignore a random amount from the end. Say 80. Nothing wrong with the csv and you could split them off and they would upload fine.

    On permormance:

    I was running on a vps: 8 core 2ghz, 8gb ram and 60gb ssd drives.

    I have applied a lot of the more esoteric php fixes to improve speed and the front end runs fine. Google reports an average response time of 2200ms which is acceptable.

    But it can take up to 30 seconds to update a product in the back end.

    I have switched to a dedicated server. It is only dual core but 3.5 ghz 32gb ram and 2x500gb raid 1 ssd drives.

    Without the vps overheads updating a product in admin takes about 6 second.

    Front end is nice and quick. Google now reports server response of 800ms.

    I have switched to the cvs import suite which seems more reliable.

    I am using the storefront theme (which stops a lot of the stock support answers).

    And I am using the Advanced Woo Search plugin which gives users feedback much quicker.

    I updated 6000 prices last night using the cvs import which took 3 hours.

    I don’t know if it’s linked but 23675 scheduled actions seemed to have started at about the same time they are almost complete 16 hours later. But no huge impact on the front end.

    Before choosing woo I investigated magento and there is little support other than ‘pay an expert’. And it was a pain to install and sluggish out of the box.

    Shopify has a hard limit of 50000 products. A non starter.

    And zen cart lacked feature I needed and doesn’t have anything like the community support of wordpress/woocommerce.

    Woo does seem to be migrating slowly from using post_meta. Let’s hope they sort it.


    Thread Starter robpl1


    Thanks Andy,
    I’ve managed to get 179,000 products on now. Breaking them down in to chunks of 8000 each. However, I’ve done to 3 times now (it’s on a dev box – VM running under VM-Ware Fusion) with different results on uploading each time. Once I had a claim of over 5000 duplicate SKUs but the next time that was 10. Files were numbered and uploaded in the same manner. AWS Works OK up to about 50,000 products then starts to slow drastically. At 179,000 a search can take 30 seconds. I’ve got a lot of ACFs 5 or 6 of which needed to be indexed. I’ve switched search to WPSolr which returns instant results, but isn’t quite as easy to set up or administer as AWS and the inability to show search results on the Home Page is irritating.

    I may ned to put an additional 500,000 products on the site.

    Once I tried exporting the entire database with phpmyadmin to save me having to re-upload. How could anyone create a product that can create export files that then can’t be imported by their own product?

    Thanks for the info on the competition. It looks like WooCommerce is the only real option. It also integrates very well with a multi-store epos system call WooPOS.

    I can’t help thinking that perhaps WooCommerce didn’t really do a good job of data modelling when creating the original product, but it’s now too late to change that I guess. I don’t think I’d have created products as a type of post. The problems with uploading seem to occur because of all the events needed to backup the creation of one.

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