wc_gateway_stripe_process_response – NEED HELP!
I have the pro version of woocommerce stripe payments and have just been through the wringer with WOOCOMMERCE SUPPORT..where they answered NO questions and referred me to here.
I have a website that I need to make some modifications to my own database tables, based on the complete payment, failure, cancellation and other payment hooks. Thus I have written my own plugin and associated code. It appears that using stripe with woocommerce DOES NOT USE any of the standard woocommerce hooks, such as: woocommerce_order_status_completed. Can you confirm this?
Instead I found the calls wc_gateway_stripe_process_payment and wc_gateway_stripe_process_response action calls are the only hooks responded to on a order. Can you confirm that this is the only way I can receive a hook notification that payment has been confirmed and sent? If not, is there another I should be using? This is a subscription payment that I will need to hook into each month, sent automatically by stripe. I will need to update some information in my database tables.Lastly, I need documentation on the resulting parameters from the
wc_gateway_stripe_process_response action call. Specifically “$stripe_response”
Where is the documentation for this?In summary I need assistance with the following:
1. Woocommerce stripe does not use the standard woocommerce action hooks such as:
woocommerce_order_status_completed. True?2. Where is the documentation about the parameters such as $stripe_response. I need to know what I can do with this parameter.
3. $order parameter are the same as in woocommerce_order_status_completed?
4. My plugin add_action calls do not work, unless I put it in the function.php.
Is there some kind of ordering that I need to do to make the add_action( ‘wc_gateway_stripe_process_response’, ‘my_function()’, 1, 2); work in a plugin?5. Are these hooks the same action calls that are invoked when Stripe sends a subscription payment information automatically. The user is not going through the shopping cart again.
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