Hi @jamonessinfronteras ,
Thank you for reaching out. We will look into this today and get back to you ASAP.
1. To clarify:
When the form is shown and the user sends bitcoin to the QR code / btc address, the (pending) payment is detected in real time and the order is then placed.
The payment address is unique to the order and has been linked already.
Your WooCommerce backoffice will see that the order has received a payment (which might be pending or already confirmed).
When I click on the “Open in wallet” link while having bitcoin wallet software installed, it asks me to open the link with that wallet software.
However without bitcoin wallet software installed or if the browser is not aware of it, then indeed the “URL” is not recognized as valid.
This should open in a new tab, though. So the user can just close that new tab and be back on the checkout page and then make his payment by copying the address and amount into his wallet software.
1. user wants to pay with bitcoin, bitcoin payment form is shown,
2. user clicks “Open in wallet”,
3. this might open a new tab and say “Invalid URL” or such,
4. user closes the tab, is back on checkout page,
5. user copies amount and btc address into his wallet software (or scans QR code with mobile wallet),
6. within seconds, the payment is detected (detected on the blockchain pool of pending transactions),
7. the form is automatically submitted,
8. you receive an email notification,
9. your WooCommerce order details will show “paid with Bitcoin” and display side notes showing the timeline (how much should be paid, how much is pending, then finally how much has been confirmed to have been paid).
Order status updates in real time.
You are using a Captcha on your checkout page. If the captcha was not filled in yet, the step 7 will fail to submit the order automatically. User will see a warning saying Captcha is needed.. then user can click on “Waiting for payment” button to submit the order manually.
Please let us know if this helps clarify the general process, as well as.. why we don’t understand what problem you seem to notice.
Perhaps you could describe a scenario explaining what you are seeing at what point.
P.S.: We have tested your checkout page in various ways, all except actually making a payment ??
TripleA Team
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by