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  • AITpro


    As far as the BPS plugin is concerned to prevent the BPS 403 error from occurring a Query String Skip/Bypass rule is needed in BPS Custom Code for the wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments Query String to prevent BPS from logging a 403 error. This does not address any other issues/problems discussed in this forum topic and only applies to whitelisting the WooCommerce Query String so that BPS does not log a 403 error for this.

    BPS and BPS Pro: Whitelist the WooCommerce shop, cart, checkout & wishlist URI’s. Whitelist the WooCommerce “order” & “wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments” Query Strings.

    1. Copy the code below to this BPS Root Custom Code text box: CUSTOM CODE PLUGIN/THEME SKIP/BYPASS RULES
    2. Click the Save Root Custom Code button.
    3. Go to the Security Modes tab page, click the Create secure.htaccess File AutoMagic button, select the Activate Root Folder BulletProof Mode Radio button and click the Activate|Deactivate button.

    # WooCommerce shop, cart, checkout & wishlist URI skip/bypass rule
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/(shop|cart|checkout|wishlist).* [NC]
    RewriteRule . - [S=14]
    # WooCommerce order & wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments Query String skip/bypass rule
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} .*(order|wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments).* [NC]
    RewriteRule . - [S=13]


    Today I installed W3 Total Cache and after spending quite a time on its configuration, wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments on pingdom increased from < 0,5 sec to 8-9 sec and on GTmetrix it completely disappeared from waterfall’s last position and was nowhere to be found. After removing W3 Total Cache everything is back to normal.



    @aitpro I am not able to get your point.



    @vishalrawat – there are 2 separate issues going on. So disregard my previous reply because it has to do with the BPS plugin and not the other issue going on with WooCommerce on your site.



    Using this replacement code: str_replace( array( “\n”, “\t” ), “”, $mini_cart ) would resolve my loading time issue ?

    @vishalrawat – I have no idea if that will fix the slow loading time issue. There were 2 separate issues going on. one issue had to do with my plugin – BulletProof Security. The other issue is the slow loading issue. While looking at this issue in order to fix the problem directly related to my plugin, I found some possible clues to that might be causing the slow loading issue or at least might be helpful to figure out what is causing the slow loading issue. You can test to see if that replacement code solves the problem or not. It may or may not be the root cause of the slow loading issue.

    ok. i will try and let you know.

    @vishalrawat – Ok try it and post the results for the WooCommerce plugin author and anyone else who views this forum thread. I doubt I will have any more spare time to look further into the WooCommerce cart fragments slow loading issue so maybe someone else in this forum thread can assist you further or has some other ideas.

    after days of 10 seconds wait time, now from 2 days is 5 seconds wait time… without reasons… any news?

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    Don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but turn off geolocation in settings. Found out its geolocating pingdom requests via an external service which adds some load time.

    Turn off your geolocation from settings tab. It will reduce loading time to some extent.

    Any updates ?

    ?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments is still running anywhere from 4 to 15 seconds delay on my site load, incredibly annoying.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    I think this thread has covered everything (extensions, geolocation, host). Core will be tweaked to prevent the pingdom issue with geolocation. Please stop posting ‘me toos’ unless you can add value to the conversation.


    Try disabling geolocation. It will work.

    Posting a me too @mike Jolley with some (limited) value add ??

    Have seen this issue several times, and also watched the various threads on this subject with interest, since admin-ajax and the more recent ?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments end point.

    What almost always resolves this issue are, in this order:

    1) Host. Usually some bad host setup (puny memory allocation, other old or otherwise misconfigured setup). Change hosts. See if problem persists. In case of doubt, setup an AWS EC2 instance with only the stuff on it needed to run WP + WooCommerce. There’s a couple of AMIs with this on. 90% of the time, you’ll find there’s no issue.

    2) Plugin conflict / bloat. Some plugin or theme file is bloated or a conflict exists. Try disabling everything, and using woocommerce with the default WP theme. If your issue persists, it is probably point 1 ??

    Posting this as I’m a little tired of reading that this is a WooCommerce issue, when its really not.

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