• Sometime when I am linking to another post in the same blog like a continue story, and I want people to know where the link last discussion about the topic. I have to put in the link in the body along with whatever I want to write for the post. And when I move my blog to a new folder, I have to edit all the wordpress posts to change the subdomain of the link.
    What I want is a plugin or a way to be able to set my blog tell where the 1 part one of the topic is so that when people click the link, they can get to that part.

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  • Perhaps something like a similar posts plugin or something.

    Thread Starter indiaberry


    Yes, I am trying to find something like that. Do you have a link to a plugin like that or any information on how I can get it that way?

    If you click “Extend” above this page and search the plugins section, you may find a few of those. Search “related posts” and run into plugins like this.

    [edit] It seems that you find more when searching with Google.

    Thread Starter indiaberry


    Could you help me a bit more? That isn’t the plugin I am looking for. I am looking for a plugin where I can choose to a related post for each specific post. Not for a something to generate a relate post for me.

    Sorry, I never used that plugin, so I don’t know what it does, I thought it ‘tied posts together’. Can’t you do what you want using tags? In my filmreviews section (for example), I have a tag for every director, so when somebody runs into a review, (s)he can click on the director name and get all reviews of films of that director. If that’s what you want, there’s an easy way to make it. If you want something more specific, I’m afraid I’m not your man, but perhaps you can just try and find some other related posts plugin to see if they are more to your needs.

    Thread Starter indiaberry


    Yes, I would like to try out your idea of creating a tag for every director. Could you show/tell me the easy way to make it?
    Some of the posts that are related on my blog are in different category. Just so you know ahead.

    Tags and categories work similar, but separate from eachother. In my example a review can have a category “thriller” and a tag “David Cronenberg” (or three categories and six tags), so you can you them through and next to eachother. Tags are built into WP since 2.5 or so, so you might have to install the Simple Tags plugin (I hope it works in 2.0.11). Also you might have to add the tags code in your theme. Here’s a snippet of mine:

    <div class="postmetadata">
    <?php if( function_exists('the_tags') )
    	the_tags(__('Browse: '), ', ', '<br />'); ?>
    <?php _e('Category:') ?> <?php the_category(', ') ?>

    You can make the terms “Browse:”, “Category:” and of course the tags themselves a little more descriptive, but this could do the trick.

    See the thing in action here.

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