• nelle2


    Hello Wojtec,

    first of all let me congratulate you to this great plugin!
    I tested a whole bunch of other watermark-solutions, but none of the others is as flexible, easy to use, applying image watermarks as well as text watermarks (even custom fonts are possible), supporting alpha channel transparency AND custom transparency. And as if that is not enough the plugin is free donation ware. Thank you for that!

    There are only two issues I can criticize:

    The first one is already mentioned in this post. The fixed font-size does not get scaled for small and very large resolutions. If it is difficult to program a workaround I would not mind, I can do without that.

    The second one is more crucial to me:
    Easy Watermark deletes EXIF, IPTC and XMP MetaData!
    The Images that will be shown on my wife’s homepage are ment to be published in different media-channels (print, press, online, etc.). To get the title, caption, description, copyright notices, categories, keywords, geo data and so on into all channels without having to manually fill the information into fields for every channel anew, I planning to make excessive use of image file MetaData like EXIF, IPTC and XMP.
    The tool I use to edit MetaData is
    it uses the meta-tags of the ExifTool written by Phil Harvey.
    I found a really great WP-Plugin (Media Library Assistant – MLA), that can map MetaData values to WP’s standard and custom fields, edit taxonomies for attachements, filter the media library and create image galleries. Just as Easy Watermark, MLA can do this automatically during the file upload progress. But Easy Watermark is first in the upload progress and deletes the MetaData, so MLA has no information for mapping. This is too bad because the functionality of MLA saves so much time. I have discussed these problems with the MLA plugin author David Lingren in this post, where you can find a lot of additional information, sample files of mine and some workaround-tipps from David, that solve half of the problems.
    Wojtec, is it possible to tell Easy Watermark to leave the MetaData of the original file untouched and copy them unchanged (except image size and resolution) to the new watermarked files created bei Easy Watermark? Would it be possible to build a new feature for Easy Watermarks next version taht does the job? That would be great!


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  • David Lingren


    I am the author of Media Library Assistant and I have been working with Niels on a support topic regarding this issue:

    How to use exif_read_data and ALL_IPTC

    Stripping the metadata from images when using GD or ImageMagick is a problem common to several WordPress plugins, and the lack of metadata in intermediate size images has been a common issue as well. Here’s another example:

    Auto Rotate Image

    As that topic indicates, I have developed some code that restores metadata to JPEG images. It is available as an example plugin that comes with MLA and could be adapted to this situation.

    If you do not want to handle the metadata problem within Easy Watermark, one easy solution would be to add some WordPress hooks (actions/filters) before and after the watermark process so other plugin or theme code could perform that task. I would be happy to work with you on what hooks to provide and where to put them if that is of interest to you.


    could these hooks be used to add an exemption for images under a certain size? should be easy if i know the hooks to use :

    $exempt_height = 501; // fetch user defined height
    $exempt_width = 501;  // fetch user defined width
    list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($ImageBeingUploaded);
    	if ($height < $exempt_height) && ($width < $exempt_width)
    		// exempt picture gracefully

    just off the top of my head.


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