After spending HOURS I just found out that the TAGS and SUB-CATEGORIES don’t work because you can’t get out of them. So if you are in a sub under another category and want to click to another category the second category won’t show because the system can’t get out of the previous sub that has no connection to the new category just added – so nothing matches. Also, the radio buttons do not work with subs because you cannot click out of them at all. Plus, the TAGS don’t work either once you go into a sub-category because again it tries to find BOTH the subcategory and the unrelated TAG and can’t.
UPDATE: I removed all the TAGs and SUB-CATEGORIES, which is unfortunate because it was part of the premium pitch, but I’m OK with it. However, I am going to suggest seriously that the creators of this get the sidebar to click OUT of the previous category when you click on another category. It does not do that and I know I am not alone as I have seen many others mentioning this. At least now, though, nothing is omitted – everything just shows as a long list.
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