• This is the worst operation of my life.

    Last year I’ve bought astoundify crowdfunding solution with fundify theme.
    My website was ready to go, but there was some little problems to fix BUT
    Ignition deck acquired this theme around five month after I’ve bought it and pretended to upgrade the crowfunding power integrating their own system.
    Well…Good news ! Expensive but Good !

    Now things are worse.
    At first I had to rebuy the theme with the Ignition deck solution…More than Four times the original price.
    No special price for the previous version/owner customers.
    Ok, this wouldn’t be a problem if the new product and it’s support were better than the previous one. ( That I miss very very very much )

    But there are to much bugs !
    Some main options aren’t working out of the box !
    You can’t use the product just by configuring it… You need to put your hands in the code… And what a code… I’m not very skilled but with fundify nothing seems to be well cleaned from the last owner.

    But this is not the worst part.
    The customer service takes at least 3 days ( when they dont take ten ) to answer something like ” This hasn’t been fixed yet, but it’s still on our radar ” about a function that should work out of the box.
    No one works on weekends. If you have an emergency just go… yourself.
    Most of the customer service answer to something that should work because you have paid for it, is like half ” do it yourself ” and half ” stay tuned we’re on it ” but you can wait a month without any solution.

    My crowdfunding website isn’t working at all. I expected to start my business last september but here I am : Lost and ruined !
    Thank you Ignition deck.

    I must say that all this situation concern Ignition Deck with Fundify theme.
    This is my case and I don’t want other customer to fall in the trap.
    Maybe one day things will work as it have to and as it used to with astoundify for example.

    But for now you’ve been warned.
    Don’t be one of the test customers…

    ( sorry about my bad english )


    After posting this message, as you can read next, IgnitionDeck staff reacted and helped me, fixing an important bug I’ve been waiting for a month…
    Now I can start my crowdfunding website.

    As I live in france, I can tell there is still some code to modify for fundify theme with IgnitionDeck to work perfectely…
    If you share my experience you’ll have to dig into the support forum.

    For sure, I have wasted much time trying to make this work.
    The IgnitionDeck staff reaction after my complaint here is my only compensation that’s why I only put 3 stars.

    The staff here is really kind but I think they rather try to give answers than asking more questions when you have already given all the details of your question.
    Sometimes I felt like they temporize… And I’m not the only one to say that..

    Finaly, IgnitionDeck’s team will help you, but sometimes you’ll have to insist.

    I’m pretty sure that things are going to be alright soon.
    My trust in IgnitionDeck is back again but there’s still some road to do to be fully satisfied…

    Good luck guys !

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  • I apologize for all the frustrations you’ve experienced. It’s true that we don’t have any support staff on weekends – we are actively seeking to hire new staff to fill that time period.

    We’re also reexamining how we prioritize bug fixes based on immediate customer needs. As for deploying bug fixes, what would be easier for you than applying code fixes yourself? I’d like to consider friendlier ways that we could get bug fixes into customers’ installations with minimum hassle.

    If it’s all right with you, I’d like to reach out to you via email to see if there’s anything we can do to help remedy this situation immediately. We’d really like for you to be able to enjoy your experience with IgnitionDeck!

    Thread Starter supakriss


    I have already asked too many times for help in your support forum.
    There, you will easily find me as Alice.

    Some topics are getting old without solutions.

    When I writte ” do it yourself “, everybody should understand that means without any correct help of your customer’s support.

    Andrew, of course if you give me the code fixes I’ll apply it by myself.

    Of course you’re a small team, of course you want me to enjoy my experience with IgnitionDeck. Of course, you’re working on my case…

    This is what it’s all about… Giving more solutions and less excuses.

    I had to share my bad experience with some of your customers to get help.
    One of them ( and surely more ) just left IgnitionDeck and hired a developer.
    This operation made him waste more than 900€.

    Again, my crowdfunding website had to start eight month ago.
    I have no compensation for that.

    As an unhappy customer, I have to warn the others.
    That’s all.

    Hey Alice,

    I want to personally apologize if you feel that you’ve been getting too much talk and not enough action. I’d also like to look into the issues you feel prevented you from using the product. Is it just the Fundify receipt and the Orders page, or was there something else?

    Thread Starter supakriss


    Hi Virtousgiant,

    For now, the Fundify receipt issue is the main problem.
    Others are less important but deserve an aswer in your website.

    Seriously, I have changed my mind losing time trying to solve things by myself.

    Now I’m doing something else to eat..
    While I wait for a fix…

    I’ve determined that the receipt issue appears to be a bug with the Fundify and CrowdPress themes, specifically. We’re looking into this to come up with a fix ASAP.
    ” Andrew March 31, 2015 at 10:57 am
    Topic started March 26, 2015 at 6:37 pm, more than a month ago.

    This is what you call my “feeling about getting too much talk and not enough action”.

    Thanks for your apologize I barely accept.
    Can’t wait for a real support from your team.

    Get ready soon please.


    We have a fix for the order screen issue. You can follow up on the forums with Andrew and he should be able to share the fix there.

    Basically, change line 2277 of idcommerce.php to:

    $get_array = array(‘payment_settings’, ‘backer_profile’, ‘edit-profile’, ‘creator_projects’, ‘mdid_checkout’, ‘idc_orders’);

    The Fundify receipt is something that we are working on, but admittedly it was delayed because of other more urgent bug fixes our dev team was working on. We’re hoping to have a new release soon. It’s definitely not Andrew’s fault this hasn’t been addressed.

    Thread Starter supakriss


    You probably mean line 2177 ( in my case )
    The problem remains.

    Printing receipt should be working out of the box.

    I wonder how other customers can use your product ( Fundify with ID ) with this feature going this wrong :-/. ( cf. https://ignitiondeck.com/id/forums/thread/receipt-preview-problem/ )

    I mean, it’s urgent for me.
    Be sure : When this is solved, I’ll start my crowdfunding solution the week after !

    Thanks for trying to help.
    ( I have no news from Andrew in the forum )

    Thread Starter supakriss



    Sorry for the mistake, I have reinstalled SEO by Yaost plugin to try your solution.

    Since I’ve been told about incompatibilities.
    I have desinstalled SEO.
    I don’t really need it for now…

    The order screen issue is solved…

    The main problem remains the printing receipt issue.

    OK, so we’re halfway there. Orders are fixed, and receipt is the final issue. This is one that is taking some time (printing receipts is a new feature), but we could give you an option to hide that until it is working if you like?

    Thread Starter supakriss


    Hiding the option is not the problem…
    I can do it by myself but thanks.

    To be honest, without any solution from you next week, I’ll have to do that.

    It’s sad that I had to make a complaint here to get more consideration.

    Thank you anyway.

    I believe you keep on trying, but trust me, I’ve lost too much time trying to retrieve my website with at least the fundify I had when astoundify was the owner.

    I understand that most of my problems are about my location.
    Currency symbol position, local date format and others…

    But once, this used to work perfectely and in my special case fundify IgnitionDeck’s version is the worst “upgrade” ever.

    I lost too much time doing my own customisation because your crew simply told me “sorry unfortunately blablabla next version blablabla do your own customisation blablabla or if you got some more money to give we’ll help you better (consulting)… “

    Ok I’m angry because I’ve paid near 250$ to get stolen my working website just when I was about to launch it…

    And tons of excuses as only compensation.

    I hope you can understand.

    Thread Starter supakriss


    Rating and original review updated…

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