Warnings and notices in debug mode
Hey Armando! I hope you are well!
I recently enabled wp-debug to see if I have any errors and I noticed some warnings and notices for FL3R Feelbox, so I post them below.
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wp_register_style(), called in /home/www/site/site.com/www/wp-content/plugins/fl3r-feelbox/feelbox.php on line 124 and defined in /home/www/site/site.com/www/wp-includes/functions.wp-styles.php on line 120
Notice: Undefined variable: src in /home/www/site/site.com/www/wp-includes/functions.wp-styles.php on line 123
Below are all the mentioned lines, I opened the files with Notepad++.
Lines 123-125 of feelbox.php:
if ( $customCSS ) { <strong>wp_register_style('feelbox-custom-style' );</strong> wp_enqueue_style('feelbox-custom-style');
Lines 120-123 of functions.wp-styles.php:
function wp_register_style( $handle, $src, $deps = array(), $ver = false, $media = 'all' ) { _wp_scripts_maybe_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__ ); return wp_styles()->add( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $media ); }
Since I’m not much familiar with coding, can you please tell me what all these mean and how can they fixed?
Please let me know.
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