• Hello,

    I updated the elementor plugin today to version 2.9.0, and now i get a bunch of warnings displaying on public site while WP DEBUG is set to false.
    they all are the same kind of error like this with vibe-customtypes plugin :

    ” Warning: Declaration of Wplms_Vibe_Show_Certificates::init() should be compatible with Elementor\Controls_Stack::init($data) in /homepages/44/d788688244/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ProAttitudeJL/wp-content/plugins/vibe-customtypes/includes/elementor/widgets/vibe-show-certificates.php on line 113 ”

    Also some pages that worked return a fatal error like this :

    Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Elementor\Controls_Stack::sanitize_settings() must be of the type array, null given

    Problem is the vibe customtype plugin is part of my theme and can’t be deactivated without swithcing it and losing everything, i guess it’s outdated so any ideas what can I change in it to make it work again ? Nothing pops in the console to.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    please try to follow these steps:

    – Update Elementor and your plugins to their latest version.

    – Deactivate all of your plugins except Elementor. If this solves the problem, gradually activate your plugins one by one, until you spot the problematic plugin.

    – switch your WordPress theme to WordPress TwentySixteen (or other default WordPress theme) temporarily – and see if it solves your error.

    Let me know if one of those steps helped you solve this error?

    Same error!
    I just updated elementor and got the same error. I use the gov template.

    wordpress: Versión 5.3.2
    theme: Thegov – Versión: 1.0.5
    elementor versión 2.8.5. OK
    elementor version 2.9.1. FAIL

    Hello, since my last update of my theme from posimyth, I get a similar message on both my front end and backend.

    Warning: Declaration of Theplus_Column_Responsive::init() should be compatible with Elementor\Controls_Stack::init($data) in /home/.sites/37/site7139521/web/wp-content/plugins/theplus_elementor_addon/modules/controls/group/plus-column-width.php on line 842

    Does nobody at Elementor know why these message are coming up?


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