While I can’t provide an immediate fix, maybe I can help get the ball rolling for one with what I’ve found out so far. (You might have seen that the authors have asked for some help with fixes, etc.)
In any case, to be specific, I am seeing this PHP error in my site’s error logs in cPanel. I simply can’t say what effect this might have on the front-end, if any. While I have visited some posts / pages with footnotes on the site where I’m using this plugin, I haven’t been been on it extensively. (I will be working on the site in question a lot going forward, so, if I see a front-end error, I’ll report that here.)
Here is the complete error line from my log (I’ve changed the folder name to “account name”):
PHP Warning: strpos(): Offset not contained in string in /home/accountname/public_html/wp-content/plugins/footnotes/class/task.php on line 340
task.php line 340 says this:
$l_int_PosStart = strpos($p_str_Content, $l_str_StartingTag, $l_int_PosStart);
On stackoverflow.com, there is a question regarding such an error.
If one looks at the code before and after this line, the plugin is looking for the first occurrence of the footnotes shortcode, meaning – I am assuming:
And, according to the answers given on stack overflow, referenced above, If I am understanding what I’m reading at all, the code in this plugin is throwing an error because it is either referencing an empty string of text or has incorrectly written offset code (the answer on stackoverflow references code constructed in relationship to position 0 or 1.
Obviously, I have only a vague understanding of the whole thing. Hopefully someone who knows more will see this and can take things steps further.