• Resolved gaz113


    Hi Guys, As users we all know that it is highly unlikely to hear back from support, whether a paid subscriber or not.
    That’s cool though. Like most support they only reply to things they know about, which is fair enough.

    Warning: strpos(): Offset not contained in string in /home/customer/www/dibni.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/beauty-gravity/inc/sibg_frontend.php on line 700

    I now have this message appearing on all 300 of my pages, and worse, on the mobile pages, which cuts out the whole form. Having a massive impact on my business.

    So if anyone has come across it before and knows what to do, I sure would appreciate it

    cheers, GAz

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  • Plugin Author sehreideas


    Hello @gaz113

    Please send us this information to investigate the warning:

    Wordpress version,
    Gravity form version,
    Beauty form styler version

    and If you would not mind the page URL, you have the form in it.


    I have the same problem with PHP 8 enabled.

    Wordpress Version 6.0.2
    Gravity Version 2.6.6
    Beauty Form Version 1.5.8

    I also noticed you website is down.

    Thread Starter gaz113


    Sure, good to hear from you.

    Wordpress Version 6.0.2
    Gravity Version 2.6.6
    Beauty Form Version 1.5.8

    This is one of pages. It appears on all pages with forms, either single or multiple forms.
    I’ve switched on dark mode do you can see it more prevalent. When viewed in OS or android the warning takes up the whole page, before you come to the form

    Cheers, in advance,


    Plugin Author sehreideas


    Hello @gaz113

    Hope you are well and safe.

    I tried to replicate the issue in my lab but couldn’t, I think it is related to the tooltip setting please choose none on the beauty form styler form settings.

    Also, I highly recommend you turn off the wp debug mode, it can compromise critical data from your site you take a look at this site to learn how to turn it off.

    We released a new version as well you can test it could fix your issue.

    Hello @blewcreate
    Our site is up please try again and let us know if you see any issues.


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