Warning: mysql_affected_rows():
hi guys,
i encountered some problems after including site stats on my blog. below is the following error warning.
i just don’t know how to solve this one. i need your help, please.
here is the error warning:
Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/www/htdocs/barkada-network.com/diary/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 134
many thanks in advance.
What version of wp ?
Which ‘site stats’ did you upload ?I’m using version 1.2 and the site stats I uploaded is called “countersolution”. It has only one file and that is the one I included on my blog.
Here is the code of above mentioned site stats:
//#Das Copyright auf den gesamten #
//#script liegt bei #
//#[email protected] #
//#Dieses Script darf nicht weiterverkauft#
//#werden, ?¤nderung brauchen meine geneh- #
//#migung!!!www.script-solution.de #
//#Bitte hier die Einstellungen vornehmen#
$hoster=”localhost”; //dein host standard ist localhost
$login=”DWXX231″; //dein mysqllogin
$passw=”password”; //dein passwort
$datenb=”DWXX231″; //datenbank ausw?¤hlen
//##########Ende der ??nderungen!##########
$link=mysql_connect($hoster, $login, $passw)or die (“konnte Keine
Verbindung herstellen!”);
mysql_select_db($datenb,$link) or die
(“Datenbank nicht vorhanden!”);
//######Hier bitte Farb-und Texteinstellungen vornehmen!######
$f_color=”#73665B”; //die schriftfarbe
$f_size=”1″; //die schrifgr????e
$f_face=”verdana”; //die Schriftart
$f_besucher=”Visitors:”; //besucher gesamt
$f_today=”Today:”; //Besucher heute gesamt
$f_zugriff=”Last Access:<br>”; //Letzter zugriff
$f_maxonline=”Max. user online:”; //Gleichzeitig user online max.
$f_besucheronline=”User online”; //wie viele besucher online
$f_deltime=”86400″;//wie lange soll die ip-sperre bestehen bleiben in sek.
##########Ab hier nichts mehr ?¤ndern!!!###################
####Datenbank entleeren#############
$zeit = time();
$datum = date(“d.m.Y”);
$loeschzeit= $zeit-$f_deltime;
$haha=mysql_query(“DELETE FROM csip_list WHERE del<$loeschzeit”,$link);
$queryone=mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM csip_list where ip=’$ip'”, $link);
if($querytwo == “0”)
$order=mysql_query(“UPDATE cshits SET hits=hits+1”, $link);
$order2=mysql_query(“Select login, lastlogin from cshits”, $link);
$nocf=mysql_query(“Update cshits SET lastlogin=’$fetchit[login]'”, $link);
$queryt=mysql_query(“Update cshits SET login=’$zeit'”, $link);
$hehe=mysql_query(“INSERT INTO csip_list (dates, del, ip) VALUES (‘$datum’, ‘$zeit’, ‘$ip’)”, $link);
########Ausgabe kann beginnen###############
$ausgabe=mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM cshits”, $link);
print “<font color=\”$f_color\” size=\”$f_size\” face=\”$f_face\”>$f_besucher $holit[hits]</font><br>”;
$daftpunk =@mysql_query(“SELECT count(ip) FROM csip_list where dates=’$datum'”, $link);
$dumdidum = mysql_result($daftpunk, 0);
print “<font color=\”$f_color\” size=\”$f_size\” face=\”$f_face\”>$f_today $dumdidum </font><br>”;
print “<font color=\”$f_color\” size=\”$f_size\” face=\”$f_face\”>$f_zugriff”;
$tdate=date(“d.m”, $holit[lastlogin]);
if ($tdate == “$hdate” )
$kzeit= date(“G.i”, $holit[lastlogin]);
print “Today at $kzeit</font><br>\n”;
else {
$vzeit=date(“d.m \u\m G.i”, $holit[lastlogin]);
print “Am $vzeit</font><br>”;
$hostering= gethostbyaddr($ip);
$deleteuser= mysql_query( “delete from cs_useronline where date < $zeit -300”, $link);
$usergesamt= mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_QUERY( “SELECT * FROM cs_useronline where ip=’$ip'”, $link));
if($usergesamt == false)
$ok= mysql_query(“INSERT INTO cs_useronline (ip,host,date) VALUES(‘$ip’,’$hostering’,’$zeit’)”, $link);
$resultit = mysql_query(“SELECT Count(*) as total FROM cs_useronline”, $link);
$blubb= mysql_fetch_array($resultit);
echo “<font color=\”$f_color\” size=\”$f_size\” face=\”$f_face\”>$blubb[total] $f_besucheronline<br></font>”;
######max user online#####################
if ($blubb[total] > $holit[maxuser] )
$jepp=mysql_query(“UPDATE cshits SET maxuser=’$blubb[total]'”, $link);
$ripper=mysql_query(“SELECT maxuser FROM cshits”, $link);
print “<font color=\”$f_color\” size=\”$f_size\” face=\”$f_face\”>$f_maxonline $holme[maxuser]</font>\n”;
many thanks for your attention ??
michikohi podz,
do you have any idea how can i solve this problem aside from removing this included file?okay, i already solved the problem. no need to reply anymore.
I get this error:
Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): A link to the server could not be established in /path/to/WP/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 134
I’m using 1.2 and just installed StatTraq. I think that is when the error showed up. I hate to point.
Any ideas?
Somewhat related Q: “If you find a solution to the problem you had, why not post it? “I fixed it.” Doesen’t help anyon else!yeah, i’d have to agree with kayaker.
but you know, it’s a given that many people only journey to a support site when they have a problem. thus the biased view of many devices and applications support site’s illustrating that the item in question is “no good” or “totally screwed.”
still, we’re running about 20/80 here, and while not the deeper spirit of nobles oblige that some virtual utopia offers, it’s still exceptional.
so yeah, c’mon back and tell ’em how ya fixed it bub!
: P
F.I’m getting the same problem, just after installing the MyNetflix 1.5 plugin. Every once in a while, while loading my page, it’ll spit out a ton of errors before showing the plugin’s output, and also a few errors instead of showing the sidebar archives and links lists. A reload of the page will get rid of the errors, but they come back again at other times. Here’s an example of the first few errors:
Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/[…]/damek.org/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 155
Warning: mysql_insert_id(): 5 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/[…]/damek.org/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 158
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/[…]/damek.org/wp-includes/functions.php on line 283
These errors are each repeated over and over in various orders.
Any ideas?
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