• Resolved BackuPs



    after updating to the latest version we have this warning message while loging in.

    Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, first array member is not a valid class name or object in /home/our-home-url/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406


    we are running wp 3.6.1 wpms path based

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  • Plugin Contributor Sam Hotchkiss


    I’ve just pushed an update which SHOULD squash this bug

    If it’s not fixed, can you email me directly? sam at brute protect dot com — I want to get some more details so that I can make sure it’s working for you

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    Hi Sam,

    the issue still remains in version “Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, first array member is not a valid class name or object in /home/our-home-url/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406”

    will contact you by email.

    Plugin Contributor Sam Hotchkiss


    Thanks– if you can email me a screenshot of your entire browser (including address bar), that would be great

    Hi Sam,

    I too saw the “Warning” error with, but once I requested and installed the API key the warning went away.

    I hope this helps. Amazing plugin. Keep up the great work!

    I thought it was completely fixed in too, but when installing it on additional sites the warning appears until the API key is activated and the page refreshed.

    @sam, I would be happy to help you track down the bug, please just let me know what you need.

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    @gecko_guy. We had it enabled in the previous version in the wpms.. So we cannot enable it again. The subsites also dont have the option to enable it as it is dealt with in the super admin area. And they are throwing the error.

    Sam message is send to you

    ahh, apologies BackuPs, your problem is somewhat different..

    However the warning is the same, so if Sam would like further details from me I will happily provide them to him upon request.

    Sorry to jump in your post, I did not read it properly the first time.

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    Hi Sam,

    the latest updated fixed the issue. Thank you for the great and quick support.

    Good work !

    Plugin Contributor Sam Hotchkiss


    No problem, thank you for your feedback!

    I seem to be having the same problem. Although both my version of WordPress and BruteProtect are the latest versions, when I try to call for an API key, I get the following error:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘BruteProtect_Admin::bruteprotect_warning’ was given in /home/kenand6/public_html/webdirectoryreviews.org/dir/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406

    @kfander, does the warning not disappear once you have inserted the API key and refreshed the page?

    It did for me, and the plugin seems to be functioning correctly.

    Plugin Contributor Sam Hotchkiss


    Thanks for reporting this, kfander– are you attempting to use this on a local development environment or a live site? What hosting company are you with? We’re working diligently to nail down this little bugger!

    I never get to a point where I can even request an API key. It’s a live site, hosted on WebHostingHub. I have it the plugin disabled right now, but the site is at https://dir.webdirectoryreviews.org

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