1. Manual adjustments are instances where you or anyone who can edit points, are giving or taking points from a user in the admin area. If you visit the Users page in your admin area and hover your mouse over a users point balance, you will see two options:
– History. This one will take you to the myCRED log where you will only see that particular users points history.
– Adjust. If you click on this, a popup window will slide down where you can manually adjust a users balance. Maybe you want to give someone some extra points? Or deduct points for an error? This is where you do it.
Alternatively, since 1.5, you can also edit a user in your admin area and under each point type, manually adjust that users balance.
2. Yes, you can. You can use the mycred_all_references filter to add your own references. Your custom hook when it pays out or deducts points from a user does so under a reference. You probably have your own custom reference for each hook and you will need to add this to add support for Badges.
Here is an example where a hook adds points under the reference “birthday” (i.e. Points for birthday hook).
add_filter( 'mycred_all_references', 'mycred_pro_add_custom_references' );
function mycred_pro_add_custom_references( $references ) {
// My custom hooks reference
$references['birthday'] = 'Birthday';
return $references;
You can add as many references to this list as you want, just make sure you always end with return $references or you will break myCRED.
The above code snippet as always goes into your themes functions.php file or in the appropriate file if you use a custom plugin of your own.