WARNING: File Name too long to be saved correctly in Targz archive
Really odd; after months of this plugin running smoothly, I’ve run into a problem. Last night when I tried running a backup I got the following error on several files: WARNING: File Name too long to be saved correctly in Targz archive
Here’s the full log:
[INFO] BackWPup version 3.0.13; WordPress version 3.8.1; A project of Inpsyde GmbH developed by Daniel Hüsken
[INFO] This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
[INFO] Blog url: https://smellslikeinfinitesadness.com/
[INFO] BackWPup job started manually
[INFO] PHP ver.: 5.2.17; cgi-fcgi; Linux
[INFO] Maximum script execution time is 30 seconds
[INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.33-31.1
[INFO] curl ver.: 7.24.0; OpenSSL/0.9.8t
[INFO] Temp folder is: /home3/smellis/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-e329c-temp/
[INFO] Logfile folder is: /home3/smellis/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-c1e64-logs/
[INFO] Backup type is: archive
[INFO] Backup file is: /home3/smellis/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-e329c-temp/backwpup_2a9399_2014-03-24_14-43-48.tar.gz
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:48] 1. Try to dump database …
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:48] Connected to database smellis_wrdp1 on localhost
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:48] Dump database table “wp_blc_filters”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:48] Dump database table “wp_blc_instances”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:49] Dump database table “wp_blc_links”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_blc_synch”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_commentmeta”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_comments”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_data_article”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_data_category”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_data_comment”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_ips”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_moderate”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_multis”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_multis_data”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_multis_trend”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_multis_values”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_templates”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_votes_log”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_gdsr_votes_trend”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_links”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_options”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:50] Dump database table “wp_postmeta”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:51] Dump database table “wp_posts”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:57] Dump database table “wp_redirection_404”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:57] Dump database table “wp_redirection_groups”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:57] Dump database table “wp_redirection_items”
[24-Mar-2014 14:43:57] Dump database table “wp_redirection_logs”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:03] Dump database table “wp_redirection_modules”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:03] Dump database table “wp_socialslider”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:03] Dump database table “wp_term_relationships”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_term_taxonomy”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_terms”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_usermeta”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_users”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_wpaa_cache”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_wpaa_template”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_answermeta”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_answers”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_bans”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_custom_fields”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_facebook_users”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_logs”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_templates”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_voters”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_poll_votes_custom_fields”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_pollmeta”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Dump database table “wp_yop_polls”
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Added database dump “smellis_wrdp1.sql” with 151.35 MB to backup file list
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] Database dump done!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:04] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:05] 920 folders to back up.
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:05] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:06] Added plugin list file “Smells-Like-Infinite-Sadness.pluginlist.2014-03-24.txt” with 4.82 kB to backup file list.
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:06] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:06] Compression method is TarGz
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:29] WARNING: File name “wp-content/cache/minify/000000/bY5LDsIwDEQvhOVyE26AUscU0zSJYrdRbk9J-WxYeaR5ep4BycXNKaq1wKczPtiyoxmX5NfAikFm_rVia2SFXHgTrlDFT2xIqii5XjulO1YzWAKrYsal1-8MN2b_58sh-t6dUFlyYNBE4gIIpahddCwZPrMlUlg9H90-y6xd7snSy8Cu0B3GBuSMp1Qa6kjQBU8.css.gzip” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:29] WARNING: File name “wp-content/cache/minify/000000/fY_hDoIwDIRfaKMaiK9DxjhJkY25Dgg-vSPsl1H_Xfrd9dqaxueCuKu6CO14iCahcuzVlUakYOyDWvaWwizJQcQM-ERnuGK_MrYfsMx0hPALqiE7Owef8iBMeynktHiIDhHHJr1xPyDRKMRha0_4z9UZwa1RF7LGryanvJ2WHnIwmTiro6cqT3-13YG-y3e-AQ.js.gzip” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:29] WARNING: File name “wp-content/cache/minify/000000/fY_hDoIwDIRfaKMaiK9DxjhJkY25Dgg-vSPsl1H_Xfrd9dqaxueCuKu6CO14iCahcuzVlUakYOyDWvaWwizJQcQM-ERnuGK_MrYfsMx0hPALqiE7Owef8iBMeynktHiIDhHHJr1xPyDRKMRha0_4z9UZwa1RF7LGryanvJ2WHnIwmTiro6cqT3-13YG-y3e-AQ.js” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:29] WARNING: File name “wp-content/cache/minify/000000/bY5LDsIwDEQvhOVyE26AUscU0zSJYrdRbk9J-WxYeaR5ep4BycXNKaq1wKczPtiyoxmX5NfAikFm_rVia2SFXHgTrlDFT2xIqii5XjulO1YzWAKrYsal1-8MN2b_58sh-t6dUFlyYNBE4gIIpahddCwZPrMlUlg9H90-y6xd7snSy8Cu0B3GBuSMp1Qa6kjQBU8.css” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:39] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2012/07/povestea-din-spatele-filmului-the-wolverine-cand-se-lanseaza-pe-marile-ecrane-continuarea-blockbusterului_size7-100×100.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:39] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2012/07/povestea-din-spatele-filmului-the-wolverine-cand-se-lanseaza-pe-marile-ecrane-continuarea-blockbusterului_size7-45×45.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:39] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2012/07/povestea-din-spatele-filmului-the-wolverine-cand-se-lanseaza-pe-marile-ecrane-continuarea-blockbusterului_size7-200×200.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:40] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2012/08/dupa-37-de-ani-de-la-realizarea-primului-blockbuster-american-oamenii-din-spatele-filmului-jaws-dezvalui-150×150.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:40] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2012/08/dupa-37-de-ani-de-la-realizarea-primului-blockbuster-american-oamenii-din-spatele-filmului-jaws-dezvalui-300×200.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:40] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2012/08/dupa-37-de-ani-de-la-realizarea-primului-blockbuster-american-oamenii-din-spatele-filmului-jaws-dezvalui.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:51] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2013/08/00290065-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_f947180f-0c52-49d9-bd7c-649a2d83586a_20130812232238_secondsbandages-150×150.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:52] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2013/08/00290065-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_f947180f-0c52-49d9-bd7c-649a2d83586a_20130812232238_secondsbandages-300×207.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:44:52] WARNING: File name “wp-content/uploads/2013/08/00290065-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_f947180f-0c52-49d9-bd7c-649a2d83586a_20130812232238_secondsbandages.jpg” too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
[24-Mar-2014 14:45:03] Backup archive created.
[24-Mar-2014 14:45:03] Archive size is 183.90 MB.
[24-Mar-2014 14:45:03] 9272 Files with 231.15 MB in Archive.
[24-Mar-2014 14:45:03] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[24-Mar-2014 14:45:03] Authenticated with Dropbox of user Michael Taylor ([email protected])
[24-Mar-2014 14:45:03] 1.02 GB available on your Dropbox
[24-Mar-2014 14:45:03] Uploading to Dropbox …
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:00] WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:00] 2. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:00] Authenticated with Dropbox of user Michael Taylor ([email protected])
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:00] 1.02 GB available on your Dropbox
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:00] Uploading to Dropbox …
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:36] ERROR: Dropbox API: (502) Invalid response.
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:36] 3. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:37] Authenticated with Dropbox of user Michael Taylor ([email protected])
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:37] 1.02 GB available on your Dropbox
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:37] Uploading to Dropbox …
[24-Mar-2014 14:52:38] (400) False offset will corrected
[24-Mar-2014 14:53:12] Backup transferred to https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files/dropbox/SLIS2/backwpup_2a9399_2014-03-24_14-43-48.tar.gz
[24-Mar-2014 14:53:12] One old log deleted
[24-Mar-2014 14:53:12] Job has ended with errors in 564 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.I don’t know know why this is happening; I haven’t made any changes to any file names recently.
The only recent change that I DID do was I had to uninstall WP Touch Mobile, deactivate Wizapp plugin and deactivate and reactive W3 cache (page, browser and minify) as I was having a conflict with all 3.
And I deleted several of the file names but it still shows in the error log when I ran another backup.
Is there anyway that could be the culprit and if so how to fix?
And do to the fact I’ve made no recent changes in filesize I went ahead and scanned my site and my computer for any security issue and everything came back clean.
My site: smellslikeinfinitesadness.com
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