• I wanted to warn my wordpress friends about Templatic. My company buys premium themes a lot we know all the good ones like Woo themes, organic themes, elegant themes, etc etc. So I am familiar with what I consider the standard for premium theme support and find most of the guys I mentioned to be well above that standard.

    I recently purchased 2 themes from templatic. I was having some major issues, lots of bugs, lots of coding issues. I went to find a support forum and was surprised that the no longer offered a support forum. That was my first red flag. After all the best way for a company to handle support is to offer a forum to alleviate their request load.

    I immediately hit wordpress forums and found others to have a lot of horror stories. I still tried to follow their support request function, which is a ticketing system and even offered to pay for some support. I never got a response to 6 tickets and then never got a refund when I requested it.

    I have found most theme managers, premium and free to be delightful and supportive and very rarely come across this issue, in fact it seems to be the plugins that are more frequent to be poorly supported.

    I encourage those of you who have templatic themes to start posting your issues here and see if we can get our own support function going. I like the design of some of their themes and feel it is a shame they are in a sense false advertising and offering a broken product. I also want this to serve as a warning that if you choose to buy their themes, do not expect any support and be prepared to deal with the ongoing issues of their themes alone.

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  • Thread Starter Dani


    As the person who started this thread I can say it is not entirely fair to say they aren’t trying. When they saw my thread and others they immediately responded and listened to our suggestions about the support forum and added it back. Initially when I complained it was because I saw that they had shut down their forum and it made me suspicious especially when I was not receiving responses to my tickets and had no other options. I agree that there is an issue with the ticketing system, it turned out that 2 of my 4 tickets had been responded to in the same or next day, I was just not notified by email and it wasn’t until I logged in and went into ticket history that I saw the responses, if I remember the overview said I had no messages. There was something wonky about the ticketing system that I think was confusing people and maybe still is, I haven’t used it or looked at it lately I just remember the responses not being easy to find. I think if they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have added the forum back and wouldn’t be responding here. But I do agree they need to look into their ticketing system, something isn;t working there. But since I posted here they have been very supportive so I do think they are trying.

    @dstolfi. I agree that they are probably trying but there is something at Templatic that just doesn’t work.

    And to confirm that something is not as it should be at Templatic at the moment their entire website is down with the message “Account suspended” which normally means that their web host has closed down their account due to unpaid invoices…

    It seems that Templatic has issues not only with their support and they better get their act together. Immediately.

    @dalesue Man, though this is completely off-topic, our site is hosted with 6Sync.com and we have a private server there. Get in touch with them and ask about whether our invoice is unpaid? Btw, if that message was your concern, check the message again – https://templatic.com

    Apart from this, my concern here is I do not wish to argue or go into debate. Please let me know references to your issues which were unresolved so I can to the work and fix them.

    @rbhavesh. It is not off-topic. We are a bunch of customers that are concerned what is happening at Templatic and we are not getting less concerned when your webiste is down with the message “Account suspended”. And it really concerns me that you still not seem to understand that your customers become worried when such things happen!

    I can see that the message now is “maintenance mode” which was not the case a couple of minutes ago when it was stated “Account suspended”. Maybe your web host did a mistake – I hope so but I have no idea. But you have to begin to understand that what is important how we the customers perceive the information we receive through different channels. Not how you perceive it. Put yourself in the client’s situation and I am sure it will work out just fine.

    The issues appear to be a lack of responses through official channels, and I for one, are beginning to believe them.

    Commenting on other factors is reasonable, once the acknowledgement from ‘rbhavesh’ kindly came, but promised improvements of support appear not to have happened and the forums ‘pre-sales’ section is still blocked to potential customers.

    If our pre-sales enquiry is going unanswered, where we have raised an intention to buy, it does raise a valid worry and makes this thread extremely valuable to other WordPress users.

    My 7 day old Ticket Id is 10488

    Your system has responded with a confirmation of receipt email on that and subsequent addition, when we chased for a reply.

    I will continue to post here, once we receive an answer and can confirm Templatic is OK.

    Templatic have now been in touch and acknowledge our ticket had gone missing and are looking into it. I hope to post good news.

    rbhavesh, if you want to gain back some community respect, admit your company’s failures and offer refunds to unhappy customers. You cannot possibly use the piracy excuse to not offer refunds, because the people who want the refunds know the themes do not work for them and certainly not for anyone else if they shared them. I know I can’t wait around for you to fix your company.

    If all you do is deny the claims, defend yourself, or make empty promises toward some unknown future, your company is going to sink under the weight of negative press. In fact I plan on writing a long negative review on my personal blog, and I’m sure others will continue to do the same.

    Pru, which theme(s) have you experienced problems with, please?

    I bought Geo Places. I can’t speak for the other themes. Geo Places has complex features that absolutely must be done right or it’s essentially useless if you hope to scale up.

    Thanks, nice to know

    No reply from Templatic since yesterday.

    Did get a response, but it has been sitting in their ticket system for a day. Was looking out for the email their system sends, as it did when the ticket was raised.

    It looks like their ticket system is faulty, subsequently it is worth checking that regularly, until they overcome the problem.

    They also responded to my 3am UK time message, 3 hours later (6am UK time), which is amazing. But the link to the ticket, for us to reply, led to a ‘no ticket found’ message. So it does appear that their ticket system is faulty. They said they take the issue seriously and plan to replace it. Lets hope all is fixed and their support can match their good range of themes.


    Please contact me at “[email protected]”. I purchased one of your themes but am having trouble with a couple of bugs that I need to resolve ASAP. I tried going to your website but it appears to be down. I need to get my site online before the Christmas period ends. Please contact me ASAP!

    Thank you

    we have been DDoS attacked (other theme companies like woo and theme junkie have been attacked as well) and we have been constantly providing updates on our twitter and facebook account on what is happening.

    Things seem to be stable for now – you should be able to access templatic site, member area, forum and helpdesk.

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