• Hi, right now my site is at https://nezane.org/wordpress/. I would like it so when a person goes to nezane.org, it goes right to the wordpress site. How can I do this? Ideally I’d like the link in the url to be nezane.org when the homepage is displayed, not nezane.org/wordpress.

    Do I have to move the entire content of the wordpress folder? Is there an easier way? How do I do this?


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  • Thread Starter likegluelikecrew


    Ok, so bear with me and let me see if I got this right before I mess things up…

    Since I already have all my wordpress files in a folder named wordpress on my root directory, I don’t have to do steps 1-3, correct?

    Then I just copy my index.php and .htaccess files and put them in the root directory, change the blog url in general settings to https://nezane.org and update my root index.php file with the new location for the blog header php file?

    Would I still log into https://nezane.org/wordpress/wp-admin? And how exactly would I update the permalinks?

    And finally, do I also have to do these or are they optional?:

    Clean SVN checkouts
    See Installing_WordPress_With_Clean_Subversion_Repositories.
    Clean SVN checkout (WordPress support forum)
    Allow wp-content directory to exist in a custom location (not relative to ABSPATH)
    Allow wp-config.php to exist one level up from WordPress root directory

    The only step you should omit is step 1.

    And stop reading when you reach “Clean SVN checkouts”

    Thread Starter likegluelikecrew


    Basically the only thing I’m trying to do is have the user go to the wordpress site when they type in nezane.org, what’s the easiest way to accomplish this? Thanks, I really need your help!

    Thread Starter likegluelikecrew


    But won’t I skip step 2 and 3 if I already have my files in a wordpress folder on the root directory?

    Thread Starter likegluelikecrew


    And how exactly would I update the Permalinks structure, what should I do?

    Ugh, why does this have to be such a huge procedure, there should be a simpler way to do this!!!

    (hear the sound of me pulling my hair out)

    Thread Starter likegluelikecrew


    Ok, I got through all the way to the permalinks step (which I didn’t update) but everything seems to be working correctly.

    Check it here: https://nezane.org

    Is there anything else I need to do?

    Esmi, thanks for your help, sorry I went off on a bit of a frustrated tangent, it actually wasn’t that bad ??

    Everything seems to be working fine. ??

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