I’ve described this in detail on Facebook but will provide info here as well:
1) There is request to tweet-blender.com when widget loads. It is an *asynchronous* request so it does not affect the loading of the rest of the page.
2) The request pings tweet-blender.com with the URL of the site where the widget is and checks whether the site opted out from showing link to author’s web site (kirill-novitchenko.com). I was asked for this feature by a few corporate users who wanted to hide link to my site.
The only side effect of this logic is that if my site is down (which is the case today) the browser’s “Loading” status for the page may last a bit longer beyond the point when the page already loaded. Again, this does not prevent users from interacting with the site.
I agree that this is not the best user experience and will decrease the timeout on that request so if my page is down it’s cancelled immediately. I’m also trying to get my site in better shape to withstand the traffic.