• Resolved muchmuch11


    i tried to harden my wp with sucuri, when i harden wp-content, sucuri adding htaccess file on wp-content with this code

    <FilesMatch "\.(?i:php)$">
      <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all
      <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
        Require all denied

    this causing w3tc minify feature unable to rebuild. is there something wrong with this?



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  • I also experienced the same issue. That .htaccess rules block /wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/pub/minify.php, causing W3 Total Cache cannot do the minifying ??

    Is there any solution from Sucuri for that?

    Thread Starter muchmuch11


    for now i disable that one, unless your wordpress using content submission from visitor, i think it’s not necessary to block php on wp-content. always update your content on wp-content (plugins, theme, etc)


    Thanks for the tips. However, as I need the wp-content to be hardened, so I guess I should disable the w3tc instead for now ??


    yeah same issue but isn’t the error in w3tc just a warning?

    The error is certainly gone while i revert the wp-config hardening.

    But the result in the w3tc debug info doesn’t show issues and are similar to besides the etag’s, files are there, etc.

    Thus minifying works in both variants (not hardened and hardened). Just that hardened triggers the “warning”(error) in w3tc.


    Thread Starter muchmuch11



    You can manually checking on html page source to verify if css/js minifying works perfectly, see if the files called individually or minified. You can also use firefox to inspect element or firebug to check it.

    The reason for the problem because w3tc using php on wp-content.

    About warning error, mostly it just a warning, but this problem with wp-content hardening was real can be easily verified like above. I’m no longer using Sucuri as i harden it manually, I don’t know if this issue solved or not by current release.

    Marking as resolved; but in case anyone else wants to know the solution (which is already implemented in the latest version of the code) is to add the affected files, in this case “minify.php” to the list in the “Whitelist Blocked PHP Files” panel located in the plugin’ hardening page.

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