• Any idea what would be causing this?

    Just upgraded to W3 Total Cache Not having the minify problem (thank goodness), but for some reason, all of the W3 Total Cache admin pages come up completely blank, other than the navigation sidebar. There’s no way of changing settings. Looking at the page source, it also appears to be outputting the Total Cache FAQ on every one of the Total Cache admin pages in a hidden div.

    I’ve even disabled the plugin and reenabled it, but other than giving me some prompts about rebuilding the cache, the admin pages are still blank.

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  • Thread Starter codeman38


    Aha, some further clues. Disabling some other plugins caused the following error to appear:

    PHP Fatal error: Cannot run code from this file in conjunction with non encoded files in [...]/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/inc/mime/cssjs.php on line 231

    Thread Starter codeman38


    And found the cause of it. It’s the Bad Behavior plugin.

    Edit: Or not; I spoke too soon. Now I’ve got all the plugins deactivated and it’s still showing the error. I’m confused…

    Edit #2: Ah, apparently this may be an issue with my hosting provider’s configuration, judging from this bug? I hadn’t encountered this with the older version, and it doesn’t affect anything on the non-admin side, which is rather odd.

    Edit #3: Indeed, not an issue with; admin interface shows up fine there. This only happens with

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    So how exactly is the problem duplicated?

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