Here is the exact error :
The value of the “for” attribute of the “label” element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.
Here is the relevant code :
<div id="field_2_31" class="gfield gfield--type-honeypot gform_validation_container field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_2_31">
<label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_2_31' >Email</label>
<div class='ginput_container'><input name='input_31' id='input_2_31' type='text' value='' autocomplete='new-password'/></div>
<div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_2_31'>This field is only used for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.</div>
Can you fix it please ?