• Hello,

    I have been testing my site for the last couple of days with W3C Markup Validator to try and reduce errors on my site (https://www.blogstodiefor.com.

    So far I have been able to clear my site of over 70 errors but there are a few I can’t seem to master.

    Line 407, Column 426: Attribute “TYPE” is not a valid attribute. Did you mean “type”?
    …lscreen” value=”true” /><embed type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”48

    Line 407, Column 487: Attribute “SRC” is not a valid attribute. Did you mean “src”?
    …flash” width=”480″ height=”306″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/v/-kyDBpXgEVg&amp

    Line 769, Column 83: reference to entity “offerid” for which no system identifier could be generated
    …/fs-bin/click?id=Kiqy5nCB9eA&offerid=146261.10004956&type=4&subid=0″><IMG alt

    Just yesterday I installed the plugin “XHTML to HTML coverter” due to many issues with xhtml being used in my sidebar ad unit code. The plugin also reduced many of my errors with the validator, so I’m wondering how to go about fixing these last few….


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  • You can safely ignore any errors relating to the embed element. Despite the fact that it’s not valid, it’s still the most accessible method of embedding certain types of media in an XHTML page.

    If you’re going to use HTML 4.0, you’ll need to remove all of the / at the end of the meta headers in header.php. Personally, I don’t think using an “XHTML to HTML coverter” is such a good idea as many plugins are, by default, going to output XHTML markup, so install a few more plugins and you’ll be right back where you started. It would be far easier, in the long run, to use XHTML throughout.

    Thread Starter afiovino


    Thank you for the quick response.

    If I were to disable that XHTML converter, I end up with tons of errors in my validation mainly pertaining to my ad unit codes that I frequently switch out for different ones.

    Is there an easier way to complete editing of my XHTML codes without having to do so line by line each time I swap out an ad unit code?

    I used the validator before I installed that plugin and I had to change all the ampersands to &, which greatly reduced errors. But I was still left with errors pertaining to “=” and the html having upper-case letters in them.

    –Also, I’m wondering if you have any imput into my other thread in this forum called ‘Sidebar.php CSS Help’?


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